Source code for fastr.planning.inputgroup

# Copyright 2011-2014 Biomedical Imaging Group Rotterdam, Departments of
# Medical Informatics and Radiology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import weakref
from collections import OrderedDict

from sympy.core.symbol import Symbol

from import UpdateableMeta
from .. import exceptions
from ..core.dimension import HasDimensions, Dimension
from ..core.samples import SampleIndex, SampleItem, SamplePayload, SampleState
from ..helpers import log
from ..planning.inputoutput import BaseInput

[docs]class InputGroup(OrderedDict, HasDimensions, metaclass=UpdateableMeta): """ A class representing a group of inputs. Input groups allow the """ __updatetriggers__ = ['__init__', '__setitem__', '__delitem__', 'clear', 'pop', 'popitem', 'setdefault', 'update'] def __init__(self, parent, id_=None): """ Create a new InputGroup representation :param parent: the parent node :type parent: :py:class:`NodeRun <fastr.planning.node.NodeRun>` :param str id_: the id of the input group :raises FastrTypeError: if parent is not a NodeRun """ super(InputGroup, self).__init__() self._parent = weakref.ref(parent) = id_ self._dimensions = () self._primary = None self.__updating__ = True
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, SampleIndex): index = key # Determine which input sample to use for Input data = {} # Match dimensions if possible for id_, input_ in self.items(): source_index = self.find_source_index(target_size=self.size, target_dimnames=self.dimnames, source_size=input_.size, source_dimnames=input_.dimnames, target_index=index) # Get data from Input if source_index is not None: data[id_] = input_[source_index] else: data[id_] = SampleItem(index, '__EMPTY__', [], set()) # Aggregate data for input group sample_id = data[].id hold_jobs = set.union(*[ for val in data.values()]) status = SampleState.combine(x.status for x in data.values()) return SamplePayload(index, sample_id, data, hold_jobs, set(), status) else: return super(InputGroup, self).__getitem__(key)
def __setitem__(self, key, value, dict_setitem=dict.__setitem__): """ Assign an input to this input group. :param str key: id of the input :param value: the input to assign :type value: :py:class:`Input <fastr.planning.inputoutput.Input>` :raises FastrTypeError: if value of valid type """ if not isinstance(value, BaseInput): message = 'Cannot assign a non-Input to an InputGroup' log.error(message) raise exceptions.FastrTypeError(message) if self.parent is not None and value.node is not self.parent: message = 'Input has a different parent NodeRun than the InputGroup, this is not a valid assignment!' log.error(message) raise exceptions.FastrParentMismatchError(message) super(InputGroup, self).__setitem__(key, value) @property def fullid(self): return '{}/input_groups/{}'.format(self.parent.fullid, @property def parent(self): """ The parent node of this InputGroup """ if self._parent is not None: return self._parent() else: return None @property def dimensions(self): """ The dimensions of this InputGroup """ return self._dimensions @property def primary(self): """ The primary Input in this InputGroup. The primary Input is the Input that defines the size of this InputGroup. In case of ties it will be the first in the tool definition. """ return self._primary @property def empty(self): """ Bool indicating that this InputGroup is empty (has no data connected) """ return self.size is None or len([x for x in self.size if x != 0]) == 0
[docs] def find_source_index(self, target_size, target_dimnames, source_size, source_dimnames, target_index): # Determine which input sample to use for Input if source_size == target_size: source_index = target_index elif source_size == (1,): source_index = SampleIndex(0) elif all(x == 0 for x in source_size): source_index = None else: source_index = self.solve_broadcast(target_size=target_size, target_dimnames=target_dimnames, source_size=source_size, source_dimnames=source_dimnames, target_index=target_index, nodegroups=self.parent.parent.nodegroups) return source_index
@staticmethod def _get_lookup(target_dimnames, nodegroups): lookup = {v: dimname for dimname in target_dimnames for value in nodegroups.values() if dimname in value for v in value} lookup.update({x: x for x in target_dimnames}) return lookup
[docs] @classmethod def solve_broadcast(cls, target_size, target_dimnames, source_size, source_dimnames, target_index, nodegroups=None): indexmap = dict(zip(target_dimnames, target_index)) sizemap = dict(zip(target_dimnames, target_size)) lookup = cls._get_lookup(target_dimnames, nodegroups) if all(x in lookup for x in source_dimnames): matched_dims = [lookup[x] for x in source_dimnames] source_index = SampleIndex(indexmap[x] for x in matched_dims) estimated_source_size = tuple(sizemap[x] for x in matched_dims) else: raise exceptions.FastrSizeMismatchError('Cannot broadcast, not all dimnames can be matched! (source dimnames {}, lookup {}'.format(source_dimnames, lookup)) if source_size != estimated_source_size: raise exceptions.FastrSizeMismatchError('The estimated size after broadcast matching is incorrect! (estimated {}, actual {})'.format(estimated_source_size, source_size)) return source_index
@property def iterinputvalues(self): """ Iterate over the item in this InputGroup :returns: iterator yielding :py:class:`SampleItems <fastr.core.sampeidlist.SampleItem>` """ for sample_item in self.primary.items(): yield self[sample_item.index]
[docs] def __updatefunc__(self): """ Update the InputGroup. Triggers when a change is made to the content of the InputGroup. Automatically recalculates the size, primary Input etc. """ sizes = [x.size for x in self.values()] dimnames = [x.dimnames for x in self.values()] unique_sizes = set(sizes) - {(0,), (1,), (), None} if len(unique_sizes) > 1: if not any(all(not isinstance(x, Symbol) for x in size) for size in unique_sizes): # All entries in unique sizes are symbols, we cannot really # know what will be the size. Assume for now that the first # Input with symbolic input will be the primary max_dims = max(x.ndims for x in self.values()) for input_ in self.values(): if input_.size in unique_sizes and input_.ndims == max_dims: self._primary = input_ self._dimensions = input_.dimensions break # Check if we can match via dimnames elif all(len(x) == len(set(x)) for x in dimnames): longest_dimname, longest_size = max(zip(dimnames, sizes), key=lambda x: len(x[1])) longest_dimensions = tuple(Dimension(name, size) for name, size in zip(longest_dimname, longest_size)) if all(all(x in longest_dimname for x in y) for y in dimnames): self._dimensions = longest_dimensions self._primary = list(self.values())[sizes.index(self.size)] else: nodegroups = self.parent.parent.nodegroups lookup = {v: dimname for dimname in longest_dimname for value in nodegroups.values() if dimname in value for v in value} lookup.update({x: x for x in longest_dimname}) if all(x in lookup for y in dimnames for x in y): self._dimensions = longest_dimensions self._primary = list(self.values())[sizes.index(self.size)] else: message = '[{}] Not all dimnames ({}) are present in the highest-dimensional input ({})'.format( self.fullid, [x for y in dimnames for x in y], list(lookup.keys()), ) log.warning(message) self._dimensions = longest_dimensions self._primary = list(self.values())[sizes.index(self.size)] else: message = 'One or more inputs have non-unique dimnames ({})'.format(dimnames) log.error(message) raise exceptions.FastrValueError(message) elif len(unique_sizes) == 1: self._primary = list(self.values())[sizes.index(unique_sizes.pop())] self._dimensions = self._primary.dimensions elif (1,) in sizes: self._primary = list(self.values())[sizes.index((1,))] self._dimensions = self._primary.dimensions else: self._primary = None self._dimensions = ()