Source code for slurmexecution

# Copyright 2011-2014 Biomedical Imaging Group Rotterdam, Departments of
# Medical Informatics and Radiology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import json
import os
import re
import shlex
import subprocess
import sys
import threading
import time

import fastr
from fastr import exceptions
from fastr.plugins.executionplugin import ExecutionPlugin
from fastr.execution.job import JobState
from fastr.helpers.classproperty import classproperty

#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task {cores}
#SBATCH --output {stdout}
#SBATCH --error {stderr}


class SlurmExecution(ExecutionPlugin):
    The SlurmExecution plugin allows you to send the jobs to SLURM using
    the sbatch command. It is pure python and uses the sbatch, scancel,
    squeue and scontrol programs to control the SLURM scheduler.

    SQUEUE_FORMAT = '{"id": %.18i, "status": "%.2t"}'

    # Job state, compact form:
    #   PD (pending),
    #    R (running),
    #   CA (cancelled),
    #   CF(configuring),
    #   CG (completing),
    #   CD (completed),
    #    F (failed),
    #   TO (timeout),
    #   NF (node failure),
    #   RV (revoked) and
    #   SE (special exit state).
        'PD': JobState.queued,
        ' R': JobState.running,
        'CA': JobState.cancelled,
        'CF': JobState.running,
        'CG': JobState.running,
        'CD': JobState.finished,
        ' F': JobState.failed,
        'TO': JobState.queued,
        'NF': JobState.failed,
        'RV': JobState.cancelled,
        'SE': JobState.failed,

    SBATCH = 'sbatch'
    SCANCEL = 'scancel'
    SQUEUE = 'squeue'
    SCONTROL = 'scontrol'

    # Advertise capabilities

[docs] def __init__(self, finished_callback=None, cancelled_callback=None): super(SlurmExecution, self).__init__(finished_callback, cancelled_callback) # Config value self.check_interval = fastr.config.slurm_job_check_interval self.partition = fastr.config.slurm_partition # Create job translation table self.job_translation_table = dict() self.job_lookup_table = dict() # Start job status checker fastr.log.debug('Creating job status checker') self.job_checker = threading.Thread(name='SlurmJobChecker-0', target=self.job_status_check, args=()) self.job_checker.daemon = True fastr.log.debug('Starting job status checker') self.job_checker.start()
[docs] def cleanup(self): # Stop thread super(SlurmExecution, self).cleanup() if self.job_checker.is_alive(): fastr.log.debug('Terminating job_checker thread') self.job_checker.join()
@classproperty def configuration_fields(cls): return { "slurm_job_check_interval": (int, 30, "The interval in which the job checker will start" "to check for stale jobs"), "slurm_partition": (str, '', "The slurm partition to use") }
[docs] @classmethod def test(cls): # Check if requirement commands can be called try: subprocess.check_output([cls.SBATCH, '--help'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except OSError: raise exceptions.FastrExecutableNotFoundError(cls.SBATCH) try: subprocess.check_output([cls.SQUEUE, '--help'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except OSError: raise exceptions.FastrExecutableNotFoundError(cls.SQUEUE) try: subprocess.check_output([cls.SCONTROL, '--help'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except OSError: raise exceptions.FastrExecutableNotFoundError(cls.SCONTROL) try: subprocess.check_output([cls.SCANCEL, '--help'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except OSError: raise exceptions.FastrExecutableNotFoundError(cls.SCANCEL)
def _job_finished(self, result): pass def _queue_job(self, job): # Encode command to execute command = [sys.executable, os.path.join(fastr.config.executionscript), str(job.commandfile)] command = ' '.join(shlex.quote(item) for item in command) # Encode job dependencies depends = '' if job.hold_jobs: depend_jobs = [self.job_lookup_table.get(j, None) for j in job.hold_jobs] depend_jobs = [str(x) for x in depend_jobs if x is not None] if depend_jobs: depends = '#SBATCH --dependency=afterok:{}'.format(','.join(depend_jobs)) if job.resources.memory: required_memory = '#SBATCH --mem {}M'.format(job.resources.memory) else: required_memory = '' if job.resources.time: hours = job.resources.time // 3600 minutes = (job.resources.time % 3600) // 60 seconds = job.resources.time % 60 walltime = '{}:{:02d}:{:02d}'.format(hours, minutes, seconds) required_time = '#SBATCH --time {}'.format(walltime) else: required_time = '' if self.partition: partition = '#SBATCH --partition {}'.format(self.partition) else: partition = '' # Check if the job is ready to run or must be held if job.status == JobState.hold: hold = '--hold' else: hold = '' # Create SBATCH script from template sbatch_script = SBATCH_SCRIPT_TEMPLATE.format( cores=job.resources.cores or 1, memory=required_memory, time=required_time, partition=partition, stdout=job.stdoutfile, stderr=job.stderrfile, command=command, depends=depends, hold=hold, ).encode() if fastr.config.debug: fastr.log.debug('USING SBATCH SCRIPT:\n{}'.format(sbatch_script)) sbatch = subprocess.Popen( [self.SBATCH], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) # Feed script via stdin and get result stdout, stderr = sbatch.communicate(sbatch_script) stdout = stdout.decode() match ='Submitted batch job (\d+)', stdout) if match: cl_job_id = int( else: # Set errors and process job as failed fastr.log.error('Could not submit job, sbatch returned:\n{}\n{}'.format(stdout, stderr)) job.status = JobState.execution_failed self.job_finished(job, errors=["FastrSlurmSubmitError", stderr, __file__, "unknown"]) return self.job_translation_table[cl_job_id] = job self.job_lookup_table[] = cl_job_id def _cancel_job(self, job): """ Cancel a given job :param job: """ try: slurm_job_id = self.job_lookup_table.pop( except KeyError:'Job {} not found in SLURM lookup'.format( return scancel_process = subprocess.Popen([self.SCANCEL, str(slurm_job_id)]) stdout, stderr = scancel_process.communicate() if stderr: fastr.log.warning('Encountered error when cancelling job: {}'.format( try: del self.job_translation_table[slurm_job_id] except KeyError: pass # This job is already gone def _hold_job(self, job): slurm_job_id = self.job_lookup_table.get(, None) if slurm_job_id: scontrol_process = subprocess.Popen([self.SCONTROL, "hold", str(slurm_job_id)]) stdout, stderr = scontrol_process.communicate() if stderr: fastr.log.warning('Encountered error when holding job: {}'.format( else: fastr.log.error('Cannot hold job {}, cannot find the slurm id!'.format( def _release_job(self, job): slurm_job_id = self.job_lookup_table.get(, None) if slurm_job_id: scontrol_process = subprocess.Popen([self.SCONTROL, "release", str(slurm_job_id)]) stdout, stderr = scontrol_process.communicate() if stderr: fastr.log.warning('Encountered error when releasing job: {}'.format( else: fastr.log.error('Cannot release job {}, cannot find the slurm id!'.format(
[docs] def job_status_check(self): last_update = time.time() while self.running: if time.time() - last_update < self.check_interval: time.sleep(1) continue fastr.log.debug('Running job status check') last_update = time.time() # Reset timer cluster_job_ids = set(self.job_lookup_table.values()) | set(self.job_translation_table.keys()) command = [self.SQUEUE, '-o', self.SQUEUE_FORMAT, '-j', ','.join(str(x) for x in cluster_job_ids)] squeue = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = squeue.communicate() stdout = stdout.decode() job_info = {} for line in stdout.splitlines()[1:]: if line.strip() == '': continue job = json.loads(line) job_info[job['id']] = job['status'] for job_id in cluster_job_ids: if job_id not in job_info: # Job is done, remove from plugin tracking and dispatch callbacks job = self.job_translation_table.pop(job_id, None) if job is not None: # Send the result to the callback function try: del self.job_lookup_table[] except KeyError: fastr.log.warning('Found an inconsistency in the job_lookup_table,' ' cannot find job to remove') self.job_finished(job) else: # Update the job status job = self.job_translation_table[job_id] status = self.STATUS_MAPPING.get(job_info[job_id], None) if status is None:'Found a job with unknown state: {}'.format(job_info[job_id])) continue job.status = status