Fastr User Reference

A ToolManager containing all versions of all Tools loaded into the FASTR environment. The ToolManager can be indexed using the Tool id string or a tool id string and a version. For example if you have two versions (4.5 and 4.8) of a tool called Elastix:

Tool Elastix v4.8 (Elastix Registration)
                           Inputs                              |             Outputs
fixed_image       (ITKImageFile)                               |  directory (Directory)
moving_image      (ITKImageFile)                               |  transform (ElastixTransformFile)
parameters        (ElastixParameterFile)                       |  log_file  (ElastixLogFile)
fixed_mask        (ITKImageFile)                               |
moving_mask       (ITKImageFile)                               |
initial_transform (ElastixTransformFile)                       |
priority          (__Elastix_4.8_interface__priority__Enum__)  |
threads           (Int)                                        |

>>>['elastix.Elastix', '4.5']
Tool Elastix v4.5 (Elastix Registration)
                           Inputs                              |             Outputs
fixed_image       (ITKImageFile)                               |  directory (Directory)
moving_image      (ITKImageFile)                               |  transform (ElastixTransformFile)
parameters        (ElastixParameterFile)                       |  log_file  (ElastixLogFile)
fixed_mask        (ITKImageFile)                               |
moving_mask       (ITKImageFile)                               |
initial_transform (ElastixTransformFile)                       |
priority          (__Elastix_4.5_interface__priority__Enum__)  |
threads           (Int)                                        |

A dictionary containing all types loaded into the FASTR environment. The keys are the typenames and the values are the classes.


A dictionary containing all networks loaded in fastr


Create a new Network object

  • id (str) – id of the network
  • version (Union[Version, str, None]) – version of the network
Return type:




Create a network based on another Network state. The network state can be a Network or the state gotten from a Network with __getstate__.

Parameters:network_state (Union[Network, Network, dict]) – Network (state) to create a copy of
Return type:Network
Returns:The rebuilt network
class fastr.api.Network(id, version=None)[source]

Representation of a Network for the creating and adapting Networks

create_constant(datatype, data, id=None, step_id=None, resources=None, node_group=None)[source]

Create a ConstantNode in this Network. The Node will be automatically added to the Network.

Return type:



the newly created constant node

Create a link between two Nodes and add it to the current Network.

Return type:



the created link

create_macro(network, id=None)[source]

Create macro node (a node which actually contains a network used as node inside another network).

  • network (Union[Network, Network, dict, Tool, str]) – The network to use, this can be a network (state), a macro tool, or the path to a python file that contains a function create_network which returns the desired network.
  • id (Optional[str]) – The id of the node to be created
Return type:



the newly created node

create_node(tool, tool_version, id=None, step_id=None, resources=None, node_group=None)[source]

Create a Node in this Network. The Node will be automatically added to the Network.

  • tool (Union[Tool, str]) – The Tool to base the Node on
  • id (Optional[str]) – The id of the node to be created
  • step_id (Optional[str]) – The step to add the created node to
  • resources (Optional[ResourceLimit]) – The resources required to run this node
  • nodegroup – The group the node belongs to, this can be important for FlowNodes and such, as they will have matching dimension names.
Return type:



the newly created node

create_sink(datatype, id=None, step_id=None, resources=None, node_group=None)[source]

Create a SinkNode in this Network. The Node will be automatically added to the Network.

  • datatype (Union[BaseDataType, str]) – The DataType of the sink node
  • id (Optional[str]) – The id of the sink node to be created
  • step_id (Optional[str]) – The step to add the created sink node to
  • resources (Optional[ResourceLimit]) – The resources required to run this node
  • node_group (str) – The group the node belongs to, this can be important for FlowNodes and such, as they will have matching dimension names.
Return type:



the newly created sink node

create_source(datatype, id=None, step_id=None, resources=None, node_group=None)[source]

Create a SourceNode in this Network. The Node will be automatically added to the Network.

  • datatype (BaseDataType) – The DataType of the source source_node
  • id (str) – The id of the source source_node to be created
  • step_id (str) – The step to add the created source source_node to
  • resources (Optional[ResourceLimit]) – The resources required to run this node
  • node_group (str) – The group the node belongs to, this can be important for FlowNodes and such, as they will have matching dimension names.

the newly created source source_node

Return type:


draw(file_path=None, draw_dimensions=True, hide_unconnected=True, expand_macros=1)[source]

Draw a graphical representation of the Network

  • file_path (str) – The path of the file to create, the extension will control the image type
  • draw_dimensions (bool) – Flag to control if the dimension sizes should be drawn in the figure, default is true
  • expand_macros (bool) – Flag to control if and how macro nodes should be expanded, by default 1 level is expanded
Return type:



path of the image created or None if failed

execute(source_data, sink_data, tmpdir=None, timestamp=None, blocking=True)[source]

Execute the network with the given source and sink data.

  • source_data (Dict[str, Union[List[Union[str, Tuple[str, …]]], Dict[str, Union[str, Tuple[str, …]]]]]) – Source data to use as an input
  • sink_data (Union[str, Dict[str, str]]) – Sink rules to use for determining the outputs
  • tmpdir (Optional[str]) – The scratch directory to use for this network run, if an existing directory is given, fastr will try to resume a network run (see Continuing a Network)
  • timestamp (Union[datetime, str, None]) – The timestamp of the network run (useful for retrying or continuing previous runs)
  • blocking (bool) – Flag to indicate if the execution should be blocking or launched in a background thread
Return type:



The network run object for the started execution


The unique id describing this resource

Return type:str
classmethod load(filename)[source]

Load Network froma file

Parameters:filename (str) –
Returns:loaded network
Return type:Network
save(filename, indent=2)[source]

Save the Network to a JSON file

  • filename (str) – Path of the file to save to
  • indent (int) – Indentation to use (None for no indentation)

Version of the Network (so users can keep track of their version)

Return type:Version

Representation of a link for editing the Network


The dimensions which the link will collapse into the cardinality

Return type:Tuple[Union[int, str], …]

Flag that indicates if the Link will expand the cardinality into a new dimension.

Return type:bool

The unique id describing this resource

Return type:str
class fastr.api.Node(parent)[source]

Representation of Node for editing the Network


The unique id describing this resource

Return type:str

In case there is only a single Inputs in a Node, this can be used as a short hand. In that case it is basically the same as list(node.inputs.values()[0]).

Return type:Input

Mapping object containing all Inputs of a Node

Return type:InputMap

In case there is only a single Outputs in a Node, this can be used as a short hand. In that case it is basically the same as list(node.outputs.values()[0]).

Return type:Output

Mapping object containing all Outputs of a Node

Return type:SubObjectMap[Output]
class fastr.api.Input(parent)[source]

Representation of an Input of a Node


This operator allows the easy creation of Links to this Input using the << operator. Creating links can be done by:

# Generic form
>> link = input << output
>> link = input << ['some', 'data']  # Create a constant node

# Examples
>> link1 = addint.inputs['left_hand'] << source1.input
>> link2 = addint.inputs['right_hand'] << [1, 2, 3]

# Mutliple links
>> links = addints.inputs['left_hand'] << (source1.output, source2.output, source3.output)

The last example would return a tuple with three links.

Parameters:other (Union[Output, BaseOutput, list, dict, tuple]) – the target to create the link from, this can be an Output, a tuple of Outputs, or a data structure that can be used as the data for a ConstantNode
Return type:Union[Link, Tuple[Link, …]]
Returns:Newly created link(s)

This operator allows to use the >> operator as alternative to using the << operator. See the __lshift__ operator for details.

Parameters:other (Union[Output, BaseOutput, list, dict, tuple]) – the target to create the link from
Return type:Union[Link, Tuple[Link, …]]
Returns:Newly created link(s)

Create a link from give resource to a new SubInput.

Parameters:value (Union[Output, BaseOutput, list, dict, tuple]) – The source for the link to be created
Return type:Link
Returns:The newly created link

The unique id describing this resource

Return type:str

The input group of this Input. This property can be read and changed. Changing the input group of an Input will influence the data flow in a Node (see Advanced flows in a Node for details).

Return type:str
class fastr.api.Output(parent)[source]

Representation of an Output of a Node


Get a SubOuput of this Ouput. The SubOutput selects some data from the parent Output based on an index or slice of the cardinalty.

Parameters:key – the key of the requested item, can be an index or slice
Return type:Output
Returns:the requested SubOutput with a view of the data in this Output

The unique id describing this resource

Return type:str