Quick start guide

This manual will show users how to install Fastr, configure Fastr, construct and run simple networks, and add tool definitions.


You can install Fastr either using pip, or from the source code.

Installing via pip

You can simply install fastr using pip:

pip install fastr


You might want to consider installing fastr in a virtualenv

Installing from source code

To install from source code, use Mercurial via the command-line:

hg clone https://<yourusername>@bitbucket.org/bigr_erasmusmc/fastr  # for http
hg clone ssh://hg@bitbucket.org/bigr_erasmusmc/fastr # for ssh

If you prefer a GUI you can try TortoiseHG (Windows, Linux and Mac OS X) or SourceTree (Windows and Mac OS X). The address of the repository is (given for both http and ssh):


To install to your current Python environment, run:

cd fastr/
pip install .

This installs the scripts and packages in the default system folders. For windows this is the python site-packages directory for the fastr python library and Scripts directory for the executable scripts. For Ubuntu this is in the /usr/local/lib/python3.x/dist-packages/ and /usr/local/bin/ respectively.


If you want to develop fastr, you might want to use pip install -e . to get an editable install


You might want to consider installing fastr in a virtualenv


  • On windows python and the Scripts directory are not on the system PATH by default. You can add these by going to System -> Advanced Options -> Environment variables.
  • On mac you need the Xcode Command Line Tools. These can be installed using the command xcode-select --install.


Fastr has defaults for all settings so it can be run out of the box to test the examples. However, when you want to create your own Networks, use your own data, or use your own Tools, it is required to edit your config file.

Fastr will search for a config file named config.py in the $FASTRHOME directory (which defaults to ~/.fastr/ if it is not set). So if $FASTRHOME is set the ~/.fastr/ will be ignored.

For a sample configuration file and a complete overview of the options in config.py see the Config file section.

Creating a simple network

If Fastr is properly installed and configured, we can start creating networks. Creating a network is very simple:

>>> import fastr
>>> network = fastr.create_network(id='example', version='1.0')

Now we have an empty network, the next step is to create some nodes and links. Imagine we want to create the following network:


Creating nodes

We will create the nodes and add them to the network. This is done via the network create_ methods. Let’s create two source nodes, one normal node, and one sink:

>>> source1 = network.create_source('Int', id='source1')
>>> sink1 = network.create_sink('Int', id='sink1')
>>> addint = network.create_node('fastr/math/AddInt:1.0', tool_version='1.0', id='addint')

The functions Network.create_source, Network.create_sink and Network.create_node create the desired node and add it into the Network.

A SourceNode and SinkNode only require the datatype to be specified. A Node requires a Tool to be instantiated from. The id option is optional for all four, but makes it easier to identify the nodes and read the logs. The tool is defined by a namespace, the id and the version of the command. Many packages have multiple version which are available. The tool_version argument reflects the version of the Fastr wrapper which describes how the command can be called. For reproducibility also these are checked as they might be updated as well.

There is an easy way to add a constant to an input, by using a shortcut method. If you assign a list or tuple to an item in the input list, it will automatically create a ConstantNode and a Link between the ContantNode and the given Input:

>>> [1, 3, 3, 7] >> addint.inputs['right_hand']
Link link_0 (network: example):
   fastr:///networks/example/1.0/nodelist/const_addint_right_hand_0/outputs/output ==> fastr:///networks/example/1.0/nodelist/addint/inputs/right_hand/0

The created constant would have the id const_addint__right_hand_0 as it automatically names the new constant const_$nodeid__$inputid_$number.


The use of the >>, <<, and = operators for linking is discussed bellow in section Creating links.

In an interactive python session we can simply look at the basic layout of the node using the repr function. Just type the name of the variable holding the node and it will print a human readable representation:

>>> source1
SourceNode source1 (tool: Source:1.0 v1.0)
      Inputs         |       Outputs
                     |  output   (Int)
>>> addint
Node addint (tool: AddInt:1.0 v1.0)
       Inputs          |       Outputs
left_hand  (Int)       |  result   (Int)
right_hand (Int)       |

This tool has inputs of type Int, so the sources and sinks need to have a matching datatype.

The tools and datatypes available are stored in fastr.tools and fastr.types. These variables are created when fastr is imported for the first time. They contain all the datatype and tools specified by the json or xml files in the search paths. To get an overview of the tools and datatypes loaded by fastr:

>>> fastr.tools  
fastr/math/Add:1.0       1.0 :  .../fastr/resources/tools/fastr/math/1.0/add.xml
fastr/math/AddInt:1.0    1.0 :  .../fastr/resources/tools/fastr/math/1.0/addint.xml

>>> fastr.types  
Directory                  :  <URLType: Directory>
Float                      :  <ValueType: Float>
Int                        :  <ValueType: Int>
String                     :  <ValueType: String>

The fastr.tools variable contains all tools that Fastr could find during initalization. Tools can be chosen in two tways:

  • tools[id] which returns the newest version of the tool
  • tools[id, version] which returns the specified version of the tool

Create an image of the Network

For checking your Network it is very useful to have a graphical representation of the network. This can be achieved using the Network.draw method.

>>> network.draw()  

This will create a figure in the path returned by the function that looks like:



for this to work you need to have graphviz installed

Running a Network

Running a network locally is almost as simple as calling the Network.execute method:

>>> source_data = {'source1': {'s1': 4, 's2': 5, 's3': 6, 's4': 7}}
>>> sink_data = {'sink1': 'vfs://tmp/fastr_result_{sample_id}.txt'}
>>> run = network.execute(source_data, sink_data)
>>> # Lots output will appear on the stdout while running
>>> run.result  # Show if the run was successful or if errors were encountered

As you can see the execute method needs data for the sources and sinks. This has to be supplied in two dict that have keys matching every source/sink id in the network. Not supplying data for every source and sink will result in an error, although it is possible to pass an empty list to a source.


The values of the source data have to be simple values or urls and values of the sink data have to be url templates. To see what url schemes are available and how they work see IOPlugin Reference. For the sink url templates see SinkeNode.set_data

For source nodes you can supply a list or a dict with values. If you supply a dict the keys will be interpreted as sample ids and the values as the corresponding values. If you supply a list, keys will be generated in the form of id_{N} where N will be index of the value in the list.


As a dict does not have a fixed order, when a dict is supplied the samples are ordered by key to get a fixed order! For a list the original order is retained.

For the sink data, an url template has to be supplied that governs how the data is stored. The mini-lanuage (the replacement fields) are described in the SinkNode.set_data method.

To rerun a stopped/crashed pipeline check the user manual on Continuing a Network