Source code for fastr.resources.plugins.collectorplugins.pathcollector

# Copyright 2011-2014 Biomedical Imaging Group Rotterdam, Departments of
# Medical Informatics and Radiology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import re

import fastr
from fastr import exceptions
from import url
from fastr.plugins import FastrInterface

[docs]class PathCollector(FastrInterface.collector_plugin_type): """ The PathCollector plugin for the FastrInterface. This plugin uses the location fields to find data on the filesystem. To use this plugin the method of the output has to be set to ``path`` The general working is as follows: 1. The location field is taken from the output 2. The substitutions are performed on the location field (see below) 3. The updated location field will be used as a :ref:`regular expression <python:re-syntax>` filter 4. The filesystem is scanned for all matching files/directory The special substitutions performed on the location use the Format Specification Mini-Language :ref:`python:formatspec`. The predefined fields that can be used are: * ``inputs``, an objet with the input values (use like ``{inputs.image[0]}``) The input contains the following attributes that you can access: * ``.directory`` for the directory name (use like ``input.image[0].directory``) The directory is the same as the result of ``os.path.dirname`` * ``.filename`` is the result of ``os.path.basename`` on the path * ``.basename`` for the basename name (use like ``input.image[0].basename``) The basename is the same as the result of ``os.path.basename`` and the extension stripped. The extension is considered to be everything after the first dot in the filename. * ``.extension`` for the extension name (use like ``input.image[0].extension``) * ``output``, an object with the output values (use like ``{outputs.result[0]}``) It contains the same attributes as the input * ``special.cardinality``, the index of the current cardinality * ``special.extension``, is the extension for the output DataType Example use:: <output ... method="path" location="{[0]}/TransformParameters.{special.cardinality}.{special.extension}"/> Given the output directory ``./nodeid/sampleid/result``, the second sample in the output and filetype with a ``txt`` extension, this would be translated into:: <output ... method="path" location="./nodeid/sampleid/result/TransformParameters.1.txt> """
[docs] def __init__(self): super(PathCollector, self).__init__() = 'path'
def _collect_results(self, interface, output, result): output_data = [] result.result_data[] = output_data location = output.location use_cardinality ='\{special.cardinality(:.*?)??\}', location) is not None if use_cardinality:'Cardinality branch!') nr = 0 while True: specials, inputs, outputs = interface.get_specials(result.payload, output, nr) fastr.log.debug('input: {}, output: {}, specials: {}'.format(inputs, outputs, specials)) fastr.log.debug('location: {}'.format(location)) fastr.log.debug('parsed location: {}'.format(location.format(input=inputs, output=outputs, special=specials, input_parts=inputs, output_parts=outputs))) value = location.format(input=inputs, output=outputs, special=specials, input_parts=inputs, output_parts=outputs)'Searching regexp value {}'.format(value)) if url.isurl(value): value = fastr.vfs.url_to_path(value) path_list = self._regexp_path(value) if len(path_list) < 1: break if len(path_list) > 1: message = 'Found multiple matches for automatic output using {}'.format(value) fastr.log.error(message) raise exceptions.FastrCollectorError(message) value = path_list[0] fastr.log.debug('Got automatic result: {}'.format(value)) output_data.append(value) nr += 1 else:'No cardinality branch!') specials, inputs, outputs = interface.get_specials(result.payload, output, '') value = location.format(input=inputs, output=outputs, special=specials, input_parts=inputs, output_parts=outputs) if url.isurl(value): value = fastr.vfs.url_to_path(value)'Searching regexp value {}'.format(value)) path_list = self._regexp_path(value) output_data.extend(path_list)