Source code for fastr.resources.plugins.collectorplugins.jsoncollector

__author__ = 'hachterberg'

import json
import re

import fastr
from fastr import exceptions
from fastr.plugins import FastrInterface

# Get the plugin type via the interfaces and not via importing, as this will
# lead to a duplicate plugin that does not match!

[docs]class JsonCollector(FastrInterface.collector_plugin_type): """ The JsonCollector plugin allows a program to print out the result in a pre-defined JSON format. It is then used as values for fastr. The working is as follows: 1. The location of the output is taken 2. If the location is ``None``, go to step 5 3. The substitutions are performed on the location field (see below) 4. The location is used as a :ref:`regular expression <python:re-syntax>` and matched to the stdout line by line 5. The matched string (or entire stdout if location is ``None``) is :py:func:`loaded as a json <python:json.loads>` 6. The data is parsed by :py:meth:`set_result <fastr.planning.node.NodeRun.set_result>` The structure of the JSON has to follow the a predefined format. For normal :py:class:`Nodes <fastr.planning.node.NodeRun>` the format is in the form:: [value1, value2, value3] where the multiple values represent the cardinality. For a :py:class:`FlowNodes <fastr.planning.node.FlowNodeRun>` the format is the form:: { 'sample_id1': [value1, value2, value3], 'sample_id2': [value4, value5, value6] } This allows the tool to create multiple output samples in a single run. """
[docs] def __init__(self): super(JsonCollector, self).__init__() = 'json'
def _collect_results(self, interface, output, result): location = output.location stdout = result.target_result.stdout if location is not None: cardinality = 0 fastr.log.debug('Searching for {}'.format(location)) specials, inputs, outputs = interface.get_specials(result.payload, output, cardinality) loc = location.format(input=inputs, output=outputs, special=specials, input_parts=inputs, output_parts=outputs) for line in stdout.splitlines(): match =, line) if match is not None: value = break else: raise exceptions.FastrCollectorError('[{}] Could not find {} in stdout'.format(, loc)) else: value = stdout # Parse as json'Setting data for {} with {}'.format(, value)) value = json.loads(value) if not isinstance(value, (list, dict)): value = [value] result.result_data[] = value