Source code for MetaImageFile

import os.path
import re
import fastr
from import url
from fastr.datatypes import URLType
from fastr.utils.checksum import md5_checksum, hashsum

class MetaImageFile(URLType):
    description = 'Meta Image file format'
    extension = 'mhd'

    def _validate(value):
        value = value.value

            if url.isurl(value):
                value = url.get_path_from_url(value)
            fastr.log.debug('Check if {} exists...'.format(value))
            return os.path.exists(value)
        except ValueError:
            return False

[docs] def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, MetaImageFile): return NotImplemented self_header = self._parse() other_header = other._parse() self_raw = url.normurl(url.join(os.path.dirname(self.parsed_value), self_header['ElementDataFile'])) other_raw = url.normurl(url.join(os.path.dirname(other.parsed_value), other_header['ElementDataFile'])) # These are allowed to be different as long as their content is the same del self_header['ElementDataFile'] del other_header['ElementDataFile'] if self_header != other_header: return False if md5_checksum(self_raw) != md5_checksum(other_raw): return False return True
[docs] def checksum(self): """ Return the checksum of this MetaImageFile :return: checksum string :rtype: str """ header = self._parse() raw = url.normurl(url.join(os.path.dirname(self.parsed_value), header['ElementDataFile'])) del header['ElementDataFile'] with open(raw, 'rb') as fh_in: result = hashsum([header, fh_in]) return result
def _parse(self): data = {} with open(self.parsed_value) as header_file: for line in header_file: if line.strip()[0] == '#': continue key, value = line.split('=', 1) data[key.strip()] = value.strip() return data
[docs] @classmethod def content(cls, invalue, outvalue=None): fastr.log.debug('Determining content of MetaImageFile from invalue "{}" and outvalue "{}"'.format(invalue, outvalue)) if url.isurl(invalue): if outvalue is None or url.isurl(outvalue): raise ValueError('Either invalue or outvalue should be a path') value = outvalue invalue_dir = url.dirurl(invalue) else: value = invalue invalue_dir = os.path.dirname(invalue) if outvalue is not None: if url.isurl(outvalue): outvalue_dir = url.dirurl(outvalue) else: outvalue_dir = os.path.dirname(outvalue) contents = [(invalue, outvalue)] else: contents = [invalue] try: fastr.log.debug('Trying to open header file: {}'.format(value)) with open(value, 'r') as fin: # This is dangerous for large files, but mhd headers should be # small so we should be fine (we can change to loop over lines) data = # Find datafile using a multiline regexp match ='^ElementDataFile\s+=\s+(.*)$', data, re.MULTILINE) # Get filename and make absolute datafile = if datafile[0] in '/\\': message = 'Fastr does not support MetaImageFiles with absolute paths!' fastr.log.critical(message) raise ValueError(message) if outvalue is not None: contents.append((url.normurl(url.join(invalue_dir, datafile)), url.normurl(url.join(outvalue_dir, datafile)))) else: contents.append(url.normurl(url.join(invalue_dir, datafile))) except Exception: message = 'Cannot determine ElementDataFile for {}'.format(value) fastr.log.critical(message) raise ValueError(message) return contents