Source code for fastr.execution.linkrun

# Copyright 2011-2014 Biomedical Imaging Group Rotterdam, Departments of
# Medical Informatics and Radiology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

The link module contain the Link class. This class represents the links
in a network. These links lead from an output (BaseOutput) to an input
(BaseInput) and indicate the desired data flow. Links are smart objects, in the
sense that when you set their start or end point, they register themselves with
the Input and Output. They do all the book keeping, so as long as you only set
the source and target of the Link, the link should be valid.

.. warning::
   Don't mess with the Link, Input and Output internals from other places.
   There will be a huge chances of breaking the network functionality!

import itertools
import weakref

import sympy

import fastr
import fastr.exceptions as exceptions
from fastr.core.dimension import Dimension
from fastr.core.samples import SampleId, SampleIndex, SampleItem
from fastr.core.datatypemanager import typelist
from fastr.core.inputoutput import BaseInput
from fastr.core.inputoutput import BaseOutput
from fastr.core.inputoutput import Input
from fastr.core.serializable import Serializable
from fastr.core.updateable import Updateable

__all__ = ['LinkRun']

[docs]class LinkRun(Updateable, Serializable): """ Class for linking outputs (:py:class:`BaseOutput <fastr.core.inputoutput.BaseOutput>`) to inputs (:py:class:`BaseInput <fastr.core.inputoutput.BaseOutput>`) Examples: .. code-block:: python >>> import fastr >>> network = fastr.Network() >>> link1 = network.create_link( n1.ouputs['out1'], n2.inputs['in2'] ) link2 = Link() link2.source = n1.ouputs['out1'] = n2.inputs['in2'] """ __dataschemafile__ = 'Link.schema.json'
[docs] def __init__(self, link, parent=None): """ Create a new Link in a Network. :param link: the base link :type link: :py:class:`Link <>` :param parent: the parent network, if None is given the fastr.current_network is assumed to be the parent :type parent: :py:class:`Network <>` or None :return: newly created LinkRun :raises FastrValueError: if parent is not given and `fastr.current_network` is not set :raises FastrValueError: if the source output is not in the same network as the Link :raises FastrValueError: if the target input is not in the same network as the Link """ super(LinkRun, self).__init__() = self._source = link.source self._target = self._collapse = link.collapse self._expand = link.expand self.__updating__ = False if parent is not None: self._parent = parent else: message = 'parent argument is None, need a parent Network to function!' raise exceptions.FastrValueError(message) self.__updating__ = True self.update()
[docs] def __repr__(self): """ Get a string representation for the Link :return: the string representation :rtype: str """ if self._source is not None: source_str = self.source.fullid else: source_str = 'None' if is not None: target_str = else: target_str = 'None' if len(self._collapse) > 0: collapse_str = '\nconverging: {}'.format(', '.join([str(x) for x in self._collapse])) else: collapse_str = '' if self.parent is not None: parent_str = else: parent_str = 'None' return 'LinkRun {} (network: {}):\n {} ==> {}{}'.format(, parent_str, source_str, target_str, collapse_str)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, index): """ Get a an item for this Link. The item will be retrieved from the connected output, but a diverging or converging flow can change the number of samples/cardinality. :param index: index of the item to retrieve :type index: SampleIndex :return: the requested item :rtype: :py:class:`SampleItem <fastr.core.sampleidlist.SampleItem>` :raises FastrIndexError: if the index length does not match the number dimensions in the source data (after collapsing/expanding) """ sourcesize = self.source.size sourceindex = [] counter = 0 # Check if index and size have the same number of dimensions if self.expand and len(self.size) != len(index): raise exceptions.FastrIndexError('The index does not match objects dimensions! (size: {}, index: {}, expand: {}'.format(self.size, index, self.expand)) # Mix in the converging dimensions for dimnr in range(len(sourcesize)): if dimnr in self.collapse_indexes or dimnr - len(sourcesize) in self.collapse_indexes: sourceindex.append(slice(None)) else: sourceindex.append(index[counter]) counter += 1 sourceindex = SampleIndex(sourceindex) # Check if the entire index was used if (not self.expand and counter != len(index) and index != (0,)) \ or (self.expand and counter != (len(index) - 1)): raise exceptions.FastrIndexError('The index was not used entirely!') source_sample_data = self.source[sourceindex] if source_sample_data == (): if all(isinstance(x, slice) or 0 <= x < s for x, s in zip(sourceindex, self.source.size)): raise exceptions.FastrIndexNonexistent('Cannot find index {} (probably due to sparsity)'.format(sourceindex)) else: raise exceptions.FastrIndexError('Cannot find index {}, out of bounds!') if isinstance(source_sample_data, SampleItem): source_jobs = source_failed_annotations = source_sample_data.failed_annotations else: source_jobs = set.union(*[ for x in source_sample_data]) source_failed_annotations = set.union(*[x.failed_annotations for x in source_sample_data]) # Get the resulting sample_id if self.collapse != (): sample_id = source_sample_data[0].id sample_id = [s for i, s in enumerate(sample_id) if i not in self.collapse_indexes and i - len(sample_id) not in self.collapse_indexes] sample_id = SampleId(sample_id) if len(sample_id) > 0 else SampleId('all') else: sample_id = # Return the item in a similar way as Link.iteritems() if self.expand: # TODO: double check the functioning of this piece of code div_index = index[counter] fastr.log.debug('Divering index {} from data {}'.format(div_index, source_sample_data)) div_sample_id = sample_id + str(div_index) if isinstance(source_sample_data, SampleItem): source_sample_data = source_sample_data, # Also create tuple for simple sample (non-collapsing) # See what the cardinality of the sources is source_data_sizes = set(len( for x in source_sample_data) # Make sure sample exists, no sample if none of the parts have the cardinality if all(x <= div_index for x in source_data_sizes): # There is no sample (cardinality will be 0) raise exceptions.FastrIndexNonexistent # Select data from the parts that have enough cardinality div_sample_data = [] for item in source_sample_data: item_data = if len(item_data) > div_index: div_sample_data.append(item_data[div_index]) # Wrap in the complete form div_sample_data = {0: tuple(div_sample_data)} fastr.log.debug('Selected data for diverging: {}'.format(div_sample_data)) return SampleItem(index, div_sample_id, div_sample_data, source_jobs, source_failed_annotations) else: if isinstance(source_sample_data, SampleItem): sample_data = source_sample_data else: sample_data = SampleItem.combine(source_sample_data) return SampleItem(index, sample_id,, source_jobs, source_failed_annotations)
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """ Test for equality between two Links :param LinkRun other: object to test against :return: True for equality, False otherwise :rtype: bool """ if not isinstance(other, LinkRun): return NotImplemented self_state = self.__getstate__() other_state = other.__getstate__() return self_state == other_state
[docs] def __getstate__(self): """ Retrieve the state of the Link :return: the state of the object :rtype dict: """ state = super(LinkRun, self).__getstate__() state['id'] = state['source'] = self._source.fullid if self._source is not None else None state['target'] = self._target.fullid if self._target is not None else None state['collapse'] = self._collapse state['expand'] = self._expand return state
[docs] def __setstate__(self, state): """ Set the state of the Link by the given state. :param dict state: The state to populate the object with :return: None :raises FastrValueError: if the parent network and `fastr.current_network` are not set """ super(LinkRun, self).__setstate__(state) = state['id'] self.__updating__ = False if 'parent' in state: parent = state['parent'] del state['parent'] else: message = 'Link creation requires a parent Network!' raise exceptions.FastrValueError(message) self._collapse = tuple(state['collapse']) self._expand = state['expand'] self._parent = None if parent is not None: self.parent = parent self.source = self.parent[state['source']] = self.parent[state['target']] self.__updating__ = True self.update()
[docs] def createobj(cls, state, network=None): """ Create object function for Link :param cls: The class to create :param state: The state to use to create the Link :param network: the parent Network :return: newly created Link """ fastr.log.debug('State for createobj LinkList: {}'.format(state)) if 'parent' not in state and network is not None: state['parent'] = network return super(LinkRun, cls).createobj(state, network)
[docs] def cardinality(self, index=None): """ Cardinality for a Link is given by source Output and the collapse/expand settings :param key: key for a specific sample (can be only a sample index!) :type key: SampleIndex :return: the cardinality :rtype: int, sympy.Symbol :raises FastrIndexError: if the index length does not match the number of dimension in the data """ if self.source is not None: if index is None: if self.expand: cardinality = 1 else: cardinality = self.source.cardinality() if cardinality is None: fastr.log.debug('Cardinality of source {} is None'.format(self.source.fullid)) return sympy.symbols('N_link_{}'.format(' ', '_'))) sourcesize = self.source.size for dimnr in range(len(sourcesize)): if dimnr in self.collapse_indexes or dimnr - len(sourcesize) in self.collapse_indexes: if sourcesize[dimnr] is None: fastr.log.debug('Dimension {} in source size {} is None!'.format(dimnr, sourcesize)) return None cardinality = cardinality * sourcesize[dimnr] else: sourcesize = self.source.size sourceindex = [] counter = 0 # Check if index and size have the same number of dimensions if self.expand and len(self.size) != len(index): raise exceptions.FastrIndexError('The index does not match objects dimensions! (size: {}, index: {}, expand: {}'.format(self.size, index, self.expand)) if len(self.collapse) > 0: # Mix in the converging dimensions for dimnr in range(len(sourcesize)): if dimnr in self.collapse_indexes or dimnr - len(sourcesize) in self.collapse_indexes: if not isinstance(sourcesize[dimnr], int): fastr.log.debug('Link sources are not (yet) defined, encountered {} ({})'.format(sourcesize[dimnr], type(sourcesize[dimnr]).__name__)) return sympy.symbols('N_{}'.format(self.fullid.replace(' ', '_'))) sourceindex.append(range(sourcesize[dimnr])) else: sourceindex.append([index[counter]]) counter += 1 sourceindices = [SampleIndex(x) for x in itertools.product(*sourceindex)] else: sourceindices = [index] # Cardinality per sample is 1 after expand, only collapse adds cardinality if self.expand: return len(sourceindices) # Get cardinality for each sample cardinality = [self.source.cardinality(x) for x in sourceindices] if all(x is not None for x in cardinality): cardinality = sum(cardinality) else: fastr.log.debug('Link source ({}) cardinality has a None, cardinaly list: {}, sourceindex: {!r}, in link {}'.format(self.source.fullid, cardinality, sourceindices, self)) cardinality = sympy.symbols('N_{}'.format(' ', '_'))) return cardinality
@property def collapse(self): """ The converging dimensions of this link. Collapsing changes some dimensions of sample lists into cardinality, reshaping the data. Collapse can be set to a tuple or an int/str, in which case it will be automatically wrapped in a tuple. The int will be seen as indices of the dimensions to collapse. The str will be seen as the name of the dimensions over which to collapse. :raises FastrTypeError: if assigning a collapse value of a wrong type """ return self._collapse @collapse.setter def collapse(self, value): """ Setter function for collapse property """ if isinstance(value, (int, str)): value = (value,) elif isinstance(value, list): value = tuple(value) if not isinstance(value, tuple): raise exceptions.FastrTypeError('converging dimensions should be an int, str or a tuple/list of int or str') # Check if the type is correct if all(isinstance(x, (int, str)) for x in value): self._collapse = value else: raise exceptions.FastrTypeError('converging dimensions should be an int, str or a tuple/list of int or str') # Update this link to reflect changes throughout the network self.update() @property def expand(self): """ Flag indicating that the link will expand the cardininality into a new sample dimension to be created. """ return self._expand @expand.setter def expand(self, value): """ Setter for expand """ self._expand = value self.update() @property def collapse_indexes(self): """ The converging dimensions of this link as integers. Dimension names are replaces with the corresponding int. Collapsing changes some dimensions of sample lists into cardinality, reshaping the data """ dimnamemap = dict((y, x) for x, y in enumerate(self.source.dimnames)) result = tuple(x if isinstance(x, int) or x not in dimnamemap else dimnamemap[x] for x in self._collapse) if not all(isinstance(x, int) for x in result): raise exceptions.FastrValueError('Collapsing dimension point to non-existing dimension name! ({}), available dimnames: {}'.format(result, dimnamemap.keys())) return result @property def status(self): return self._status @property def fullid(self): """ The full defining ID for the Input """ return '{}/linklist/{}'.format(self.parent.fullid, @property def parent(self): """ The Network to which this Link belongs. """ return self._parent() @parent.setter def parent(self, value): """ Setter function for parent property """ if self._parent is not None: if self._parent() is value: return # Setting to same value doesn't do anything raise exceptions.FastrAttributeError('Cannot assign a new parent if there is already a parent assigned') self._parent = weakref.ref(value) @property def dimensions(self): """ The dimensions of the data delivered by the link. This can be different from the source dimensions because the link can make data collapse or expand. """ if self.source is not None: dimensions = self.source.dimensions if dimensions == () or dimensions is None: return dimensions # Collapse the dimesions requested dimensions = tuple(s for i, s in enumerate(dimensions) if i not in self.collapse_indexes and i - len(dimensions) not in self.collapse_indexes) if self.expand: # Add a new dimension fastr.log.debug('Link expand changes dimensions from {} to {}'.format(dimensions, dimensions + (self.source.cardinality(),))) new_dimension_name = '{}__{}'.format(, if self.source.cardinality() is not None: new_dimension_size = self.source.cardinality() else: # There should be data, try to extract from the data cardinalities = set(self.source.samples[sid].cardinality for sid in self.source.samples) if len(cardinalities) == 1: fastr.log.debug('Found unique cardinality {}, using that for expanding'.format(cardinalities)) new_dimension_size = cardinalities.pop() elif len(cardinalities) == 0: fastr.log.debug('Found no cardinality: (), using a symbol instead'.format(cardinalities)) new_dimension_size = sympy.symbols('N_{}_expand'.format( else: message = 'Found non-unique cardinality, this will cause a varying size after' \ ' expand! (Found {})'.format(cardinalities) message += ' Using largest cardinality {}'.format(max(cardinalities)) new_dimension_size = max(cardinalities) fastr.log.debug(message) dimensions = dimensions + (Dimension(new_dimension_name, new_dimension_size),) # All dimensions were collapse, create a new single sample dimension if len(dimensions) == 0 and len(self.source.dimensions) != 0: return Dimension(, 1), return dimensions else: # Return a dummy return Dimension(, 0), @property def size(self): """ The size of the data delivered by the link. This can be different from the source size because the link can make data collapse or expand. """ if self.source is not None: size = self.source.size if size == () or size is None: return size size = tuple(s for i, s in enumerate(size) if i not in self.collapse_indexes and i - len(size) not in self.collapse_indexes) if self.expand: fastr.log.debug('Link expand changes size from {} to {}'.format(size, size + (self.source.cardinality(),))) if self.source.cardinality() is not None: size = size + (self.source.cardinality(),) else: if self.source.samples is not None: # There should be data, try to extract from the data cardinalities = set(self.source.samples[sid].cardinality for sid in self.source.samples) if len(cardinalities) == 1: fastr.log.debug('Found unique cardinality {}, using that for expanding'.format(cardinalities)) size = size + (cardinalities.pop(),) elif len(cardinalities) == 0: fastr.log.debug('Found no cardinality: (), using a symbol instead'.format(cardinalities)) size = size + (sympy.symbols('N_{}_expand'.format(,) else: message = 'Found non-unique cardinality, this will cause a varying size after' \ ' expand! (Found {})'.format(cardinalities) message += ' Using largest cardinality {}'.format(max(cardinalities)) size = size + (max(cardinalities),) fastr.log.debug(message) else: # No data yet (Node has not been prepared) size = size + (sympy.symbols('N_{}_expand'.format(,) fastr.log.debug('Node has not been prepared, new size {}'.format(size)) if size == (): return 1, return size else: return 0, @property def source(self): """ The source :py:class:`BaseOutput <fastr.core.inputoutput.BaseOutput>` of the Link. Setting the source will automatically register the Link with the source BaseOutput. Updating source will also make sure the Link is unregistered with the previous source. :raises FastrTypeError: if assigning a non :py:class:`BaseOutput <fastr.core.inputoutput.BaseOutput>` """ if hasattr(self, '_source'): return self._source else: return None @source.setter def source(self, value): """ Setter function for source property """ if isinstance(value, BaseOutput): # Add to network of new value if no network is known if self.parent is None and value.node.parent is not None: value.node.parent.add_link(self) if self.parent is not value.node.parent: raise exceptions.FastrNetworkMismatchError('Network mismatch! ({} vs {})'.format(, # Remove self from old source if (hasattr(self, '_source') and isinstance(self._source, BaseOutput) and any(x is self for x in self._source.listeners)): self._source.listeners.remove(self) # Test for matching datatypes if (hasattr(self, '_target') and isinstance(, BaseInput) and typelist.match_types(, value.datatype, preffered=value.preferred_types) is None): self._source = None fastr.log.warning('Non-matching datatypes {} and {}! Abort linking!'.format(, value.datatype)) return # Add self to new source if not any(x is self for x in value.listeners): value.listeners.append(self) self._source = value # Update this link to reflect changes throughout the network self.update() elif value is None: # Remove from listeners if present and set to None self.destroy() else: raise exceptions.FastrTypeError('source is not of class BaseOutput') @source.deleter def source(self): """ Deleter function for source property """ if self in self._source.listeners: self._source.listeners.remove(self) del self._source @property def target(self): """The target :py:class:`BaseInput <fastr.core.inputoutput.BaseInput>` of the Link. Setting the target will automatically register the Link with the target BaseInput. Updating target will also make sure the Link is unregistered with the previous target. :raises FastrTypeError: if assigning a non :py:class:`BaseInput <fastr.core.inputoutput.BaseInput>` """ if hasattr(self, '_target'): return self._target else: return None @target.setter def target(self, value): """ Setter function for target property """ if isinstance(value, BaseInput): # Add to network of new value if no network is known if self.parent is None and value.node.parent is not None: value.node.parent.add_link(self) if self.parent is not value.node.parent: ValueError('Network mismatch!') # Remove self from old target if (hasattr(self, '_target') and isinstance(self._target, BaseInput) and self is self._target.source): self._target.source.remove(self) # Test for matching datatypes if (hasattr(self, '_source') and isinstance(self._source, BaseOutput) and typelist.match_types(self._source.datatype, value.datatype, preferred=self.source.preferred_types) is None): self._target = None fastr.log.warning('Cannot match datatypes {} and {} or not preferred datatype is set! Abort linking {} to {}!'.format( self._source.datatype, value.datatype, self.source.fullid, value.fullid )) # Add self to new target value.source = self # Always have link SubInput as link target if isinstance(value, Input): value = value._source[0] self._target = value # Update this link to reflect changes throughout the network self.update() elif value is None: self.destroy() else: raise exceptions.FastrTypeError('target is not of class BaseInput') @target.deleter def target(self): """ Deleter function for target property """ if self is self._target.source: self._target.source.remove(self) del self._target
[docs] def destroy(self): """ The destroy function of a link removes all default references to a link. This means the references in the network, input and output connected to this link. If there is no references in other places in the code, it will destroy the link (reference count dropping to zero). This function is called when a source for an input is set to another value and the links becomes disconnected. This makes sure there is no dangling links. """ if is not None: self._target.remove(self) self._target.update() self._target = None if self.source is not None: self._source.listeners.remove(self) self._source.update() self._source = None if self.parent is not None: self.parent.remove(self)
def _update(self, key, forward=True, backward=False): """Update the validity of the Link and propagate the update downstream. A Link is valid if: * Source is set * Target is set * Source and target datatypes are matching * All dimensions to collapse exist in the source size """ messages = [] valid = True # Check if source and target are set if self.source is None: messages.append('[{}] no source set'.format(self.fullid)) valid = False if is None: messages.append('[{}] no target set'.format(self.fullid)) valid = False # Check if source and target datatypes are matching preferred_types = self.source.preferred_types if self.source and self.source.preferred_types else None if valid and typelist.match_types(self.source.datatype,, preferred=preferred_types) is None: messages.append('[{}] source and target have non-matching datatypes: source {} and {}'.format(,, valid = False # Check if all collapse dimension exist if self.source is not None: size = self.source.size try: for convdim in self.collapse_indexes: if convdim < -len(size) or convdim >= len(size): messages.append('[{}] collapse dimension {} invalid index for size {} (sourced output: {})'.format(, convdim, size, self.source.fullid)) valid = False except exceptions.FastrValueError as exception: messages.append(exception.message) valid = False self._status['valid'] = valid self._status['messages'] = messages # Propagate update downstream if forward and is not None:, forward, backward)