Source code for fastr.execution.environmentmodules

# Copyright 2011-2014 Biomedical Imaging Group Rotterdam, Departments of
# Medical Informatics and Radiology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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# limitations under the License.

This module contains a class to interact with EnvironmentModules

import os
import re
import subprocess

from enum import Enum

import fastr
import fastr.exceptions as exceptions
from fastr.utils.procutils import which

[docs]class ModuleSystem(Enum): lmod = 'Lmod' envmod = 'enviromentmodules'
[docs]class EnvironmentModules(object): """ This class can control the module environments in python. It can list, load and unload environmentmodules. These modules are then used if subprocess is called from python. """ try: # Do the initialization of Environment Modules of the system if 'MODULESHOME' not in os.environ: raise exceptions.FastrImportError('Cannot find Environment Modules home directory (environment variables not setup properly?)') if 'MODULE_VERSION' not in os.environ: os.environ['MODULE_VERSION_STACK'] = '3.2.6' os.environ['MODULE_VERSION'] = '3.2.6' else: os.environ['MODULE_VERSION_STACK'] = os.environ['MODULE_VERSION'] if 'MODULEPATH' not in os.environ: try: __paths = [] with open(os.path.join(os.environ['MODULESHOME'], 'init', '.modulespath'), 'r') as fin: for line in fin: line = re.sub(r'(?P<path>[^#]*)(\#.*)', '\\g<path>', line).strip() if line: __paths.append(line) except: raise exceptions.FastrImportError('Cannot load Environment Modules path defintion!') os.environ['MODULEPATH'] = ':'.join(__paths) if 'LOADEDMODULES' not in os.environ: os.environ['LOADEDMODULES'] = '' if 'LMOD_CMD' in os.environ: # Lua mod is installed, we prefer lua mod _bin = os.environ['LMOD_CMD'] _module_settings_system = ModuleSystem.lmod else: # The old environment modules is installed _bin = '{}/bin/modulecmd'.format(os.environ['MODULESHOME']) _module_settings_system = ModuleSystem.envmod if not os.path.isfile(_bin) or not os.access(_bin, os.X_OK): _bin = which('modulecmd') if _bin is None: raise exceptions.FastrImportError('Cannot find Environment Modules executable!') except exceptions.FastrImportError as exception: _module_settings_loaded = False _module_settings_warning = exception.message else: _module_settings_loaded = True _module_settings_warning = ''
[docs] def __init__(self, protected=None): """ Create the environmentmodules control object :param list protected: list of modules that should never be unloaded :return: newly created EnvironmentModules """ if not self._module_settings_loaded: raise exceptions.FastrValueError('Could not load the environmentmodules settings during import, this module is non-functional! Original exception: {}'.format(self._module_settings_warning)) # Debug print the system used fastr.log.debug('Using the {} system'.format(self._module_settings_system)) # Set initial versions self._avail_string = '' self._avail_modules = () self._loaded_modules = () # Sync all available and loaded Modules self.sync() if protected is not None: self._protected = protected else: self._protected = []
[docs] def __repr__(self): return "<EnvironmentModules system={}>".format(self._module_settings_system.value)
[docs] def sync(self): """ Sync the object with the underlying enviroment. Re-checks the available and loaded modules """ self._sync_loaded() self._sync_avail()
def _sync_loaded(self): """ Sync the loaded modules with the underlying environmentmodules """ _, stderr = self._module('list') loaded_modules = [] for line in stderr.splitlines(): for module in re.findall(r'\W*(\d+)\) ([^/^\(^\)^\W]+)(/[^\(^\)^ ^\t]+)?', line): loaded_modules.append(module) # Sort and remove order from tuples loaded_modules.sort() loaded_modules = [module[1:] for module in loaded_modules] self._loaded_modules = tuple(loaded_modules) def _sync_avail(self): """ Sync the available modules with the underlying environmentmodules """ _, self._avail_string = self._module('avail') modules = [] for line in self._avail_string.split('\n'): # Skip padding lines etc if len(line) == 0 or line[0] == '-' or '/' not in line: continue # Parse the line for part in line.split(): if part == '(L)': continue if part == '(D)': modules[-1] = modules[-1][:-1] + (True,) continue if part.endswith('(default)'): default = True part = part[:-9] else: default = False modules.append(tuple(part.split('/') + [default])) # Sort modules by name/version modules.sort() self._avail_modules = tuple(modules) def _module(self, *arguments): """ Call the environmentmodule executable :param arguments: arguments similar to the commandline version :return: tuple with (stdout, stderr) """ args = [self._bin, 'python'] args.extend(arguments) proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = proc.communicate() return (stdout, stderr) @staticmethod
[docs] def totuple_modvalue(value): """ Turn a representation of a module into a tuple representation :param value: module representation (either str or tuple) :return: tuple representation (name, version, default) """ if isinstance(value, str): match = re.match(r'([^/^\(^\)]+)([^\(^\)^ ^\t]+)?(\(default\))?', value) if match: value = match.groups() return value[:-1] else: raise exceptions.FastrValueError('Invalid module string ({})!'.format(value)) elif isinstance(value, tuple): if len(value) in [2, 3]: return value else: raise exceptions.FastrValueError('Invalid module tuple ({})!'.format(value)) else: raise exceptions.FastrTypeError('Invalid module value type ({})!'.format(type(value.__name__)))
[docs] def tostring_modvalue(value): """ Turn a representation of a module into a string representation :param value: module representation (either str or tuple) :return: string representation """ if isinstance(value, str): return value elif isinstance(value, tuple): return ''.join(value) else: raise exceptions.FastrTypeError('Invalid module value type ({})!'.format(type(value.__name__)))
def _run_commands_string(self, value): """ Run the commands returned by environmentmodules, and warn for non-default commands :param value: str of commands returned by environmentmodules """ for command in value.splitlines(): match1 = re.match(r'^os.environ\[(?P<sep1>[\'"])(\w+)(?P=sep1)\] = (?P<sep2>[\'"]).*(?P=sep2);?\s*$', command) if match1 is None: match2 = re.match(r'^del os.environ\[(?P<sep1>[\'"])(\w+)(?P=sep1)\];?\s*$', command) if match2 is None: fastr.log.warning('WARNING: Evaluating unchecked code: {!r}'.format(command)) # We know this is bad practice, but we trust the code from environmentmodules # pylint: disable=exec-used exec command # Make sure loaded module list is synced self._sync_loaded() @property def loaded_modules(self): """ List of currently loaded modules """ return [''.join(x) for x in self._loaded_modules] @property def avail_modules(self): """ List of avaible modules """ return self._avail_modules
[docs] def avail(self, namestart=None): """ Print available modules in same way as commandline version :param namestart: filter on modules that start with namestart """ for module in self._avail_modules: default = module[-1] module = '/'.join(module[:-1]) if namestart is None or module.startswith(namestart): if default:'{} (default)'.format(module)) else:
[docs] def isloaded(self, module): """ Check if a specific module is loaded :param module: module to check :return: flag indicating the module is loaded """ module = self.totuple_modvalue(module) if module[1] is not None: return module in self._loaded_modules else: for mod in self._loaded_modules: if module[0] == mod[0]: return True return False
[docs] def load(self, module): """ Load specified module :param module: module to load """ module = self.tostring_modvalue(module) if self.isloaded(module): fastr.log.warning('Module {} is already loaded, unloading first!'.format(module)) self.unload(module) stdout, stderr = self._module('load', module) if len(stderr) != 0: fastr.log.error('Encountered error when loading module:\n{}'.format(stderr)) else: self._run_commands_string(stdout)
[docs] def unload(self, module): """ Unload specified module :param module: module to unload """ module = self.tostring_modvalue(module) if module in self._protected: fastr.log.debug('Module {} is protected, skipping unload!'.format(module)) return if not self.isloaded(module): fastr.log.warning('Module {} is not loaded, cannot unload!'.format(module)) stdout, stderr = self._module('unload', module) if len(stderr) != 0: fastr.log.error('Encountered error when unloading module:\n{}'.format(stderr)) else: self._run_commands_string(stdout)
[docs] def reload(self, module): """ Reload specified module :param module: module to reload """ module = self.tostring_modvalue(module) if not self.isloaded(module): fastr.log.warning(': Module {} is not loaded, cannot unload first!'.format(module)) else: stdout, stderr = self._module('unload', module) if len(stderr) != 0: fastr.log.error('Encountered error when unloading module:\n{}'.format(stderr)) else: self._run_commands_string(stdout) stdout, stderr = self._module('load', module) if len(stderr) != 0: fastr.log.error('Encountered error when loading module:\n{}'.format(stderr)) else: self._run_commands_string(stdout)
[docs] def swap(self, module1, module2): """ Swap one module for another one :param module1: module to unload :param module2: module to load """ self.unload(module1) self.load(module2)
[docs] def clear(self): """ Unload all modules (except the protected modules as they cannot be unloaded). This should result in a clean environment. """ for module in self.loaded_modules: self.unload(module)