Source code for

# Copyright 2011-2014 Biomedical Imaging Group Rotterdam, Departments of
# Medical Informatics and Radiology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

Network module containing Network facilitators and analysers.
import inspect
import itertools
import json
import os
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import tempfile
import threading
import urlparse

from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict

from graphviz import Digraph

import fastr
from import Link
from fastr.core.node import Node, ConstantNode, SourceNode, SinkNode, MacroNode
from fastr.core.inputoutput import Output
from fastr.core.serializable import Serializable
from fastr.core.version import Version
import fastr.exceptions as exceptions
from fastr.execution.networkrun import NetworkRun
from fastr.utils import iohelpers
from import compare_execution_dir

__all__ = ['Network']

[docs]class Network(Serializable): """ The NetworkRun contains the entire Run state for a Network execution. It has a working copy of the network, but also includes all temporary data required for the execution. These objects are meant to be single use. """ __dataschemafile__ = 'Network.schema.json' NETWORK_DUMP_FILE_NAME = '__fastr_network__.json' SOURCE_DUMP_FILE_NAME = '__source_data__.pickle.gz' SINK_DUMP_FILE_NAME = '__sink_data__.json'
[docs] def __init__(self, id_='unnamed_network', version=None, filename=None): """ Create a new, empty Network :param str name: name of the Network :return: newly created Network :raises OSError: if the tmp mount in the config is not a writable directory """ regex = r'^\w[\w\d_]*$' if re.match(regex, id_) is None: raise exceptions.FastrValueError('An id in Fastr should follow' ' the following pattern {}' ' (found {})'.format(regex, id_)) if version is None: version = '0.0' #: The namespace this network lives in, this will be set by the NetworkManager on load self.namespace = None self._id = id_ self.parent = None self.version = Version(version) self.description = '' self.toolnodelist = {} self.nodelist = {} self.sinklist = {} self.constantlist = {} self.sourcelist = {} self.macrolist = {} self.linklist = {} self.preferred_types = [] self.stepids = {} self.link_number = 0 self.node_number = 0 # If the filename is not given, estimate it from the call stack if filename is None: frame = inspect.currentframe().f_back filename = frame.f_globals.get('__file__', None) if filename is not None: filename = os.path.abspath(filename) else: filename = 'python-shell' self.filename = filename # Check if temp dir exists, if not try to create it if not os.path.exists(fastr.config.mounts['tmp']):"fast temporary directory does not exists, creating it...") try: os.mkdir(fastr.config.mounts['tmp']) except OSError: message = "Could not create fastr temporary directory ({})".format(fastr.config.mounts['tmp']) fastr.log.critical(message) raise exceptions.FastrOSError(message)
[docs] def __repr__(self): return '<Network {} (v{})>'.format(, self.version)
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """ Compare two Networks and see if they are equal. :param other: :type other: :py:class:`Network <>` :return: flag indicating that the Networks are the same :rtype: bool """ if not isinstance(other, Network): return NotImplemented dict_self = {k: v for k, v in self.__dict__.items()} del dict_self['nodelist'] del dict_self['filename'] dict_other = {k: v for k, v in other.__dict__.items()} del dict_other['nodelist'] del dict_other['filename'] return dict_self == dict_other
[docs] def __ne__(self, other): """ Tests for non-equality, this is the negated version __eq__ """ return not (self.__eq__(other))
# Retrieve a Node/Link/Input/Output in the network based on the fullid
[docs] def __getitem__(self, item): """ Get an item by its fullid. The fullid can point to a link, node, input, output or even subinput/suboutput. :param str,unicode item: fullid of the item to retrieve :return: the requested item """ if not isinstance(item, (str, unicode)): raise exceptions.FastrTypeError('Key should be a fullid string, found a {}'.format(type(item).__name__)) if isinstance(item, unicode): item = str(item) parsed = urlparse.urlparse(item) if parsed.scheme != 'fastr': raise exceptions.FastrValueError('Item should be an URL with the fastr:// scheme (Found {} in {})'.format(parsed.scheme, item)) path = parsed.path.split('/')[1:] if len(path) < 2 or path[0] != 'networks' or path[1] != raise exceptions.FastrValueError('URL {} does not point to anything in this network, {}'.format(item, path)) no_version = 0 if path[2] != str(self.version): no_version = 1 value = self for part in path[3 - no_version:]: if hasattr(value, '__getitem__'): try: if isinstance(value, (list, tuple, Output)): value = value[int(part)] else: value = value[part] except (KeyError, IndexError, TypeError, ValueError): pass else: continue if hasattr(value, part): value = getattr(value, part) else: raise exceptions.FastrLookupError('Could not find {} in {}'.format(part, value)) return value
[docs] def __getstate__(self): """ Retrieve the state of the Network :return: the state of the object :rtype dict: """ state = { 'id':, 'version': str(self.version), 'filename': self.filename, 'description': self.description, 'link_number': self.link_number, 'node_number': self.node_number, 'nodelist': [x.__getstate__() for x in self.nodelist.values()], 'linklist': [x.__getstate__() for x in self.linklist.values()], 'preferred_types': [ for x in self.preferred_types], 'stepids': {k: [ for x in v] for k, v in self.stepids.items()}, 'namespace': self.namespace } return state
[docs] def __setstate__(self, state): """ Set the state of the Network by the given state. This completely overwrites the old state! :param dict state: The state to populate the object with :return: None """ # Initialize empty to avoid errors further on self._id = state['id'] self.parent = None self.version = Version(state['version']) self.nodelist = {} self.linklist = {} self.macrolist = {} self.sourcelist = {} self.constantlist = {} self.sinklist = {} self.toolnodelist = {} self.preferred_types = [] self.stepids = {} self.description = state['description'] # Make proper version state['version'] = Version(state['version']) # Set ID, we need this for messages later on self._id = state['id'] del state['id'] # Recreate nodes if 'nodelist' in state: for node_state in state['nodelist']: # Get the node class node_class = node_state.get('class', 'Node') node_class = getattr(fastr.core.node, node_class) node = node_class.createobj(node_state, self) fastr.log.debug('Adding node: {}'.format(node)) self.add_node(node) del state['nodelist'] if 'nodegroups' in state: for group, nodes in state['nodegroups'].items(): for node in nodes: self.nodelist[node].nodegroup = group # Add preferred types state['preferred_types'] = [fastr.typelist[x] for x in state['preferred_types']] # Insert empty link_list statelinklist = state['linklist'] state['linklist'] = {} # Update the objects dict self.__dict__.update(state) # Create the link list, make sure all Nodes are in place first for link in statelinklist: self.linklist[link['id']] = Link.createobj(link, self) # Make the stepids reference the Node instead of using ids if self.stepids is None: self.stepids = {} self.stepids = {k: [self.nodelist[x] for x in v] for k, v in self.stepids.items()} self.node_number = state['node_number'] self.link_number = state['link_number']
@property def id(self): """ The id of the Network. This is a read only property. """ return self._id @property def fullid(self): """ The fullid of the Network, within the network scope """ return 'fastr:///networks/{}/{}'.format(, self.version) @property def global_id(self): """ The global id of the Network, this is different for networks used in macronodes, as they still have parents. """ if self.parent is None: return self.fullid else: return '{}/network'.format(self.parent.global_id) @property def nodegroups(self): """ Give an overview of the nodegroups in the network """ nodegroups = defaultdict(list) for node in self.nodelist.values(): if node.nodegroup is not None: nodegroups[node.nodegroup].append(node) return nodegroups
[docs] def add_node(self, node): """ Add a Node to the Network. Make sure the node is in the node list and the node parent is set to this Network :param node: node to add :type node: :py:class:`Node <fastr.core.node.Node>` :raises FastrTypeError: if node is incorrectly typed """ if not in self.nodelist and isinstance(node, Node): self.nodelist[] = node # Automatically sort Nodes in the right dict if isinstance(node, ConstantNode): self.constantlist[] = node elif isinstance(node, SourceNode): self.sourcelist[] = node elif isinstance(node, SinkNode): self.sinklist[] = node elif isinstance(node, MacroNode): self.macrolist[] = node elif isinstance(node, Node): self.toolnodelist[] = node else: raise exceptions.FastrTypeError('Unknown Node type encountered! (type {})'.format(type(node).__name__)) node.parent = self
[docs] def remove(self, value): """ Remove an item from the Network. :param value: the item to remove :type value: :py:class:`Node <fastr.core.node.Node>` or :py:class:`Link <>` """ if isinstance(value, Link): self.linklist.pop( if isinstance(value, Node): self.nodelist.pop(
[docs] def add_stepid(self, stepid, node): """ Add a Node to a specific step id :param str stepid: the stepid that the node will be added to :param node: the node to add to the stepid :type node: :py:class:`Node <fastr.core.node.Node>` """ if stepid is not None: if stepid in self.stepids: self.stepids[stepid] += [node] else: self.stepids[stepid] = [node]
[docs] def check_id(self, id_): """ Check if an id for an object is valid and unused in the Network. The method will always returns True if it does not raise an exception. :param str id_: the id to check :return: True :raises FastrValueError: if the id is not correctly formatted :raises FastrValueError: if the id is already in use """ regex = r'^\w[\w\d_]*$' if re.match(regex, id_) is None: raise exceptions.FastrValueError('An id in Fastr should follow' ' the following pattern {}' ' (found {})'.format(regex, id_)) if id_ in self.nodelist or id_ in self.linklist: raise exceptions.FastrValueError('The id {} is already in use in {}!'.format(id_, return True
[docs] def create_node(self, tool, id_=None, stepid=None, cores=None, memory=None, walltime=None, nodegroup=None): """ Create a Node in this Network. The Node will be automatically added to the Network. :param tool: The Tool to base the Node on :type tool: :py:class:`Tool <fastr.core.tool.Tool>` :param str id_: The id of the node to be created :param str stepid: The stepid to add the created node to :param str nodegroup: The group the node belongs to, this can be important for FlowNodes and such, as they will have matching dimension names. :return: the newly created node :rtype: :py:class:`Node <fastr.core.node.Node>` """ # Create a node in the network if isinstance(tool, (str, tuple)): tool = fastr.toollist[tool] try: NodeType = getattr(fastr.core.node, tool.node_class) except AttributeError: raise exceptions.FastrValueError('The indicated node class {} cannot be found for Tool {}/{}'.format(tool.node_class,, tool.version)) node = NodeType(tool, id_, parent=self, cores=cores, memory=memory, walltime=walltime, nodegroup=nodegroup) self.add_node(node) self.add_stepid(stepid, node) return node
[docs] def create_macro(self, network, id_=None): node = MacroNode(network, id_, parent=self) self.add_node(node) return node
[docs] def create_constant(self, datatype, data, id_=None, stepid=None, nodegroup=None, sourcegroup=None): """ Create a ConstantNode in this Network. The Node will be automatically added to the Network. :param datatype: The DataType of the constant node :type datatype: :py:class:`BaseDataType <fastr.core.datatypemanager.BaseDataType>` :param data: The data to hold in the constant node :type data: datatype or list of datatype :param str id_: The id of the constant node to be created :param str stepid: The stepid to add the created constant node to :param str nodegroup: The group the node belongs to, this can be important for FlowNodes and such, as they will have matching dimension names. :return: the newly created constant node :rtype: :py:class:`ConstantNode <fastr.core.node.ConstantNode>` """ if not isinstance(data, (list, dict, OrderedDict)): data = [data] if nodegroup is None: if sourcegroup is not None: fastr.log.warning('[DEPRECATED] The sourcegroup kwarg of the' ' Network.create_source is deprecated and' ' replaced by the nodegroup kwarg. Please' ' use that kwarg instead, it will have the' ' same function') nodegroup = sourcegroup const_node = ConstantNode(datatype, data, id_, parent=self, nodegroup=nodegroup) self.add_node(const_node) self.add_stepid(stepid, const_node) return const_node
[docs] def create_source(self, datatype, id_=None, stepid=None, nodegroup=None, sourcegroup=None): """ Create a SourceNode in this Network. The Node will be automatically added to the Network. :param datatype: The DataType of the source source_node :type datatype: :py:class:`BaseDataType <fastr.core.datatypemanager.BaseDataType>` :param str id_: The id of the source source_node to be created :param str stepid: The stepid to add the created source source_node to :param str nodegroup: The group the node belongs to, this can be important for FlowNodes and such, as they will have matching dimension names. :param str sourcegroup: *DEPRECATED!* The nodegroup this SourceNode will be added to :return: the newly created source source_node :rtype: :py:class:`SourceNode <fastr.core.source_node.SourceNode>` """ if nodegroup is None: if sourcegroup is not None: fastr.log.warning('[DEPRECATED] The sourcegroup kwarg of the' ' Network.create_source is deprecated and' ' replaced by the nodegroup kwarg. Please' ' use that kwarg instead, it will have the' ' same function') nodegroup = sourcegroup # Set a source for the network. source_node = SourceNode(datatype=datatype, id_=id_, parent=self, nodegroup=nodegroup) self.add_node(source_node) self.add_stepid(stepid, source_node) return source_node
[docs] def create_sink(self, datatype, id_=None, stepid=None): """ Create a SinkNode in this Network. The Node will be automatically added to the Network. :param datatype: The DataType of the sink node :type datatype: :py:class:`BaseDataType <fastr.core.datatypemanager.BaseDataType>` :param str id_: The id of the sink node to be created :param str stepid: The stepid to add the created sink node to :return: the newly created sink node :rtype: :py:class:`SinkNode <fastr.core.node.SinkNode>` """ # Set a sink for the network node = SinkNode(datatype=datatype, id_=id_, parent=self) self.add_node(node) self.add_stepid(stepid, node) return node
[docs] def is_valid(self): def check_object(obj): status = obj.status if not status['valid']: if status['messages']: for message in status['messages']: fastr.log.error(message) else: fastr.log.error("{} {} is not valid, no message available!".format(type(obj).__name__, return status['valid'] valid = ( all(check_object(x) for x in self.nodelist.itervalues()) and all(check_object(x) for x in self.linklist.itervalues()) ) return valid
[docs] def create_reference(self, source_data, output_directory): # Create output directory if not os.path.exists(output_directory): os.makedirs(output_directory) output_url = fastr.vfs.path_to_url(output_directory, scheme='ref')'Created temp result directory {}'.format(output_directory)) network_temp_dir = os.path.join(output_directory, '__fastr_run_tmp__') # Save source data to reference dir iohelpers.save_gpickle(os.path.join(output_directory, self.SOURCE_DUMP_FILE_NAME), source_data) # Save a dump of the network with open(os.path.join(output_directory, self.NETWORK_DUMP_FILE_NAME), 'w') as fh_out: self.dump(fh_out, method='json', indent=2) # Set the output sink data to temporary directory sink_data = {} for sink in self.sinklist.values(): sink_data[] = '{}/{}/{{sample_id}}/{{cardinality}}/result.json'.format( output_url, )'Set sink data to: {}'.format(sink_data)) # Execute the network self.execute(sourcedata=source_data, sinkdata=sink_data, tmpdir=network_temp_dir)
[docs] def test(cls, reference_data_dir, network=None, source_data=None, force_remove_temp=False): """ Execute the network with the source data specified and test the results against the refence data. This effectively tests the network execution. :param str reference_data_dir: The path or vfs url of reference data to compare with :param dict source_data: The source data to use """ if not isinstance(reference_data_dir, basestring): raise exceptions.FastrTypeError('reference_data_dir should be a string!') if reference_data_dir.startswith('vfs://'): reference_data_dir = fastr.vfs.url_to_path(reference_data_dir) if not os.path.isdir(reference_data_dir): raise exceptions.FastrTypeError('The reference_data_dir should be pointing to an existing directory!') if network is None: network = cls.loadf(os.path.join(reference_data_dir, cls.NETWORK_DUMP_FILE_NAME)) if source_data is None: source_data = iohelpers.load_gpickle(os.path.join(reference_data_dir, cls.SOURCE_DUMP_FILE_NAME)) temp_results_dir = None validation_result = [] try: # Create temporary output directory temp_results_dir = os.path.normpath(tempfile.mkdtemp( prefix='fastr_network_test_'.format(, dir=fastr.config.mounts['tmp'] )) try: network.create_reference(source_data=source_data, output_directory=temp_results_dir) except Exception as exception: fastr.log.warning('Encountered exception during Network execution: {}'.format(exception)) validation_result.append( 'Encountered uncaught {} exception when running network:\n{}'.format( type(exception).__name__, exception, ) ) # Check all sinks results for sink in network.sinklist.values(): sink_output_dir = os.path.join(temp_results_dir, if not os.path.isdir(sink_output_dir): validation_result.append( 'Output directory for sink {} not found (expected to find {})'.format(, sink_output_dir ) ) continue sink_reference_dir = os.path.join(reference_data_dir, output_samples = sorted(os.listdir(sink_output_dir)) reference_samples = sorted(os.listdir(sink_reference_dir)) if output_samples != reference_samples: validation_result.append('\n'.join(( 'Different samples found in sink "{}"'.format(, 'Output samples: {}'.format(output_samples), 'Reference samples: {}'.format(reference_samples), ))) continue for sample in output_samples: sample_output_dir = os.path.join(sink_output_dir, sample) sample_reference_dir = os.path.join(sink_reference_dir, sample) output_values = sorted(os.listdir(sample_output_dir)) reference_values = sorted(os.listdir(sample_reference_dir)) if output_values != reference_values: validation_result.append('\n'.join(( 'Difference number of cardinality entries for {}/{}'.format(, sample), 'Output cardinality entries: {}'.format(output_values), 'Reference cardinality entries: {}'.format(reference_values), ))) continue for value in output_values: with open(os.path.join(sample_output_dir, value, 'result.json')) as fh_in: output_data = json.load(fh_in) with open(os.path.join(sample_reference_dir, value, 'result.json')) as fh_in: reference_data = json.load(fh_in) output_item = fastr.typelist[output_data['datatype']](output_data['value']) reference_item = fastr.typelist[reference_data['datatype']](reference_data['value']) if output_item != reference_item: validation_result.append('\n'.join(( 'Value for {}/{}/{} was not equal! (found "{}", expected "{}")'.format(, sample, value, output_item, reference_item, ), 'Output: [{}] {!r}'.format(type(output_item.value).__name__, output_item.value), 'Reference: [{}] {!r}'.format(type(reference_item.value).__name__, reference_item.value), ))) if len(validation_result) == 0:'Run and reference were equal! Test passed!') else:'Found difference with reference data! Test failed!') for line in validation_result:'Differences in execution directories:') for difference in compare_execution_dir( os.path.join(temp_results_dir, '__fastr_run_tmp__'), os.path.join(reference_data_dir, '__fastr_run_tmp__') ): return validation_result finally: # Clean up if temp_results_dir is not None and os.path.isdir(temp_results_dir): if validation_result == 0 or force_remove_temp:'Removing temp result directory {}'.format(temp_results_dir)) shutil.rmtree(temp_results_dir, ignore_errors=True) else: 'Keeping temp directory {} on disk for inspection, do not forget to remove it yourself!'.format( temp_results_dir ) )
[docs] def execute(self, sourcedata, sinkdata, blocking=True, **kwargs): # Setup the Run and prepare arguments in dict run = NetworkRun(self) kwargs['sourcedata'] = sourcedata kwargs['sinkdata'] = sinkdata if blocking: # Run execution in blocking mode run.execute(**kwargs) else: # Create and start the execution in a background thread run.thread = threading.Thread(group=None, target=run.execute, name='run_thread_{}'.format(, kwargs=kwargs) run.thread.start() return run
@staticmethod def _dim_name_generator(max_level=3): base_name = 'NMOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKL' for level in range(1, max_level + 1): for name in itertools.product(base_name, repeat=level): yield ''.join(name)
[docs] def draw(self, name=None, image_format=None, draw_dimensions=False, context=None, graph=None, expand_macro=False): # If not working on an existing graph, create one if graph is None: graph = Digraph( 'structs', filename='{name}.gv'.format(name=name), graph_attr={'rankdir': 'LR', 'splines': 'true'}, node_attr={'shape': 'record', 'fontsize': '16'} ) # If not given, create the drawing context to pass along if context is None: dimension_name_generator = self._dim_name_generator() context = { 'network_stack': [self], 'dimensions': defaultdict(lambda: next(dimension_name_generator)), 'draw_dimensions': draw_dimensions, 'expand_macro': expand_macro, 'colors': { 'source_node': 'darkolivegreen1', 'node': 'gray90', 'sink_node': 'lightskyblue1', 'constant_node': 'plum1', 'macro_node': 'goldenrod1', 'macro_link': 'lightgoldenrod1' } } # Add all nodes nodes_in_cluster = set() for step_id, node_list in self.stepids.items(): full_step_id = '_'.join( for x in context['network_stack']) + '__' + step_id with graph.subgraph(name='cluster_' + full_step_id) as sub_graph: sub_graph.attr(label=step_id) sub_graph.attr(color='gray60') for node in node_list: nodes_in_cluster.add(node) node.draw(context=context, graph=sub_graph) for node in self.nodelist.values(): if node not in nodes_in_cluster: node.draw(context=context, graph=graph) # All the links for link in self.linklist.values(): link.draw(context=context, graph=graph) return graph
[docs] def draw_network(self, name="network_layout", img_format='svg', draw_dimension=False, expand_macro=False): """ Output a dot file and try to convert it to an image file. :param str img_format: extension of the image format to convert to :return: path of the image created or None if failed :rtype: str or None """ dot_file_path = '{}.dot'.format(name) if os.path.isfile(dot_file_path): os.remove(dot_file_path) image_file_path = '{}.{}'.format(name, img_format) if os.path.exists(image_file_path): os.remove(image_file_path) graph = self.draw(draw_dimensions=draw_dimension, expand_macro=expand_macro), directory=os.getcwd()) filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '{}.dot'.format(name)) fastr.log.debug("%s file created.", filename) try: proc = subprocess.Popen(['dot', '-T{}'.format(img_format), '-o{}'.format(image_file_path), dot_file_path], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) stdout, stderr = proc.communicate() fastr.log.debug('Subprocess call to do finished with stdout: {}, stderr: {}'.format(stdout, stderr)) if not os.path.exists(image_file_path): fastr.log.error('Network draw failed the graphviz coversion:\n{}'.format(stdout)) fastr.log.debug("converted to %s", image_file_path) return image_file_path except OSError: fastr.log.warning("Cannot convert %s to an svg image. Please put dot (from GraphViz) in your PATH.", filename) return None