Source code for fastr.core.samples

# Copyright 2011-2014 Biomedical Imaging Group Rotterdam, Departments of
# Medical Informatics and Radiology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

This package holds the classes for working with samples.

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod, abstractproperty
import itertools
from collections import MutableMapping, OrderedDict
import fastr
import fastr.datatypes
import fastr.exceptions as exceptions

[docs]class SampleItemBase(tuple): """ This class represents a sample item, a combination of a SampleIndex, SampleID, value and required jobs. The SampleItem based on a named tuple and has some extra methods to combine SampleItems easily. """
[docs] def __new__(cls, index, id_, data, jobs=None, failed_annotations=None): """ Create a SampleItem. Data should be an OrderedDict of tuples. :param index: the sample index :type index: tuple, slice :param id_: the sample id :type id_: :py:class:`SampleId <fastr.core.sampleidlist.SampleId>` :param data: the data values :type data: SampleValue, Mapping :param set jobs: set, tuple or list of jobs on which this SampleItems data depends. :param set failed_annotations: set of tuples. The tuple is contructed like follows: (job_id, reason). """ if not isinstance(index, SampleIndex): index = SampleIndex(index) if not isinstance(id_, SampleId): id_ = SampleId(id_) if jobs is None: jobs = set() if not isinstance(jobs, (set, tuple, list)): raise exceptions.FastrTypeError("Jobs should be a set, tuple or list of jobs or job ids, found {}".format(type(jobs).__name__)) jobs = {job if isinstance(job, str) else for job in jobs} if failed_annotations is None: failed_annotations = set() if not isinstance(failed_annotations, set): raise exceptions.FastrTypeError("failed_annotations should be a set, found {}".format(type(failed_annotations).__name__)) return super(SampleItemBase, cls).__new__(cls, [index, id_, data, jobs, failed_annotations])
[docs] def __repr__(self): """ Get a string representation for the SampleItem :return: the string representation :rtype: str """ return '<{cls} index={s.index}, id={}>'.format(cls=type(self).__name__, s=self)
[docs] def __getnewargs__(self): """ Get new args gives the arguments to use to re-create this object, This is used for serialization. """ return tuple(self)
[docs] def __add__(self, other): """ The addition operator combines two SampleItems into a single SampleItems. It merges the data and jobs and takes the index and id of the left-hand item. :param other: The other item to add to this one :type other: SampleItem :return: the combined SampleItem :rtype: SampleItem """ if not isinstance(other, SampleItemBase): return NotImplemented return type(self)(self.index,, +, |, self.failed_annotations | other.failed_annotations)
[docs] def combine(*args): """ Combine a number of SampleItems into a new one. :param *args: the SampleItems to combine :type args: iterable of SampleItems :return: the combined SampleItem :rtype: SampleItem It is possible to both give multiple arguments, where each argument is a SampleItem, or a single argument which is an iterable yielding SampleItems. .. code-block:: python # variables a, b, c, d are SampleItems to combine # These are all valid ways of combining the SampleItems comb1 = SampleItem.combine(a, b, c, d) # Using multiple arguments l = [a, b, c, d] comb2 = SampleItem.combine(l) # Using a list of arguments comb3 = SampleItem.combine(l.__iter__()) # Using an iterator """ if len(args) == 1 and not isinstance(args[0], SampleItemBase): args = args[0] args = [x for x in args] if not all(isinstance(x, SampleItemBase) for x in args): raise exceptions.FastrTypeError("All arguments should be SampleItems! Found {}".format(args)) if len(args) == 0: raise exceptions.FastrValueError("Cannot combine empty list") elif len(args) == 1: return args[0] else: result = args[0] for item in args[1:]: result = result + item return result
@property def index(self): """ The index of the SampleItem :return: The index of this SampleItem :rtype: SampleIndex """ return self[0] @property def id(self): """ The sample id of the SampleItem :return: The id of this SampleItem :rtype: SampleId """ return self[1] @property def data(self): """ The data SampleValue of the SampleItem :return: The value of this SampleItem :rtype: SampleValue """ return self[2] @property def jobs(self): """ The set of the jobs on which this SampleItem depends :return: The jobs that generated the data for this SampleItem :rtype: set """ return self[3] @property def failed_annotations(self): return self[4] @property def cardinality(self): """ The cardinality of this Sample """ return len( @property def dimensionality(self): """ The dimensionality of this Sample """ return len(self.index)
[docs]class SampleItem(SampleItemBase):
[docs] def __new__(cls, index, id_, data, jobs=None, failed_annotations=None): """ Create a SampleItem. Data should be an OrderedDict of tuples. :param index: the sample index :type index: tuple, slice :param id_: the sample id :type id_: :py:class:`SampleId <fastr.core.sampleidlist.SampleId>` :param data: the data values :type data: SampleValue, Mapping :param set jobs: set of jobs on which this SampleItems data depends. :param set failed_annotations: set of tuples. The tuple is contructed like follows: (job_id, reason). """ if not isinstance(data, SampleValue): data = SampleValue(data) if not all(isinstance(x, (int, str)) for x in data.keys()): types = set(type(x).__name__ for x in data.keys()) raise exceptions.FastrTypeError("All keys in data should be tuples, found {}".format(types)) if not all(isinstance(x, tuple) for x in data.values()): types = set(type(x).__name__ for x in data.values()) raise exceptions.FastrTypeError("All values in data should be tuples, found {}".format(types)) return super(SampleItem, cls).__new__(cls, index, id_, data, jobs, failed_annotations)
[docs]class SamplePayload(SampleItemBase):
[docs] def __new__(cls, index, id_, data, jobs=None, failed_annotations=None): """ Create a SampleItem. Data should be an OrderedDict of tuples. :param index: the sample index :type index: tuple, slice :param id_: the sample id :type id_: :py:class:`SampleId <fastr.core.sampleidlist.SampleId>` :param data: the data values :type data: SampleValue, Mapping :param set jobs: set of jobs on which this SampleItems data depends. :param set failed_annotations: set of tuples. The tuple is contructed like follows: (job_id, reason). """ if not isinstance(data, MutableMapping): raise exceptions.FastrTypeError('SamplePayload should have a MutableMapping as data') if not all(isinstance(x, str) for x in data.keys()): types = set(type(x).__name__ for x in data.keys()) raise exceptions.FastrTypeError("All keys in data should be str, found {}".format(types)) if not all(isinstance(x, SampleItem) for x in data.values()): types = set(type(x).__name__ for x in data.values()) raise exceptions.FastrTypeError("All values in data should be SampleItems, found {}".format(types)) return super(SamplePayload, cls).__new__(cls, index, id_, data, jobs, failed_annotations)
[docs] def __add__(self, other): """ The addition operator combines two SampleItems into a single SampleItems. It merges the data and jobs and takes the index and id of the left-hand item. :param other: The other item to add to this one :type other: SampleItem :return: the combined SamplePayload :rtype: SamplePayload """ if not isinstance(other, SamplePayload): return NotImplemented common_keys = set( & set( if len(common_keys) > 0: raise exceptions.FastrValueError('Cannot combine SamplePayloads, they both contain definitions for {}'.format(common_keys)) new_data = OrderedDict( new_data.update( return SamplePayload(self.index,, new_data, |, self.failed_annotations | other.failed_annotations)
[docs]class HasSamples(object): """ Base class for all classes that supply samples. This base class allows to only define __getitem__ and size and get all other basic functions mixed in so that the object behaves similar to a Mapping. """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta @abstractmethod
[docs] def __getitem__(self, item): raise NotImplementedError()
@abstractproperty def size(self): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def __contains__(self, item): try: self[item] except (KeyError, IndexError): return False else: return True
[docs] def iteritems(self): if len(self.size) > 0: if None in self.size: raise exceptions.FastrValueError('The size {} contains None, cannot continue!') for index in itertools.product(*[range(x) for x in self.size]): try: yield self[SampleIndex(index)] except exceptions.FastrIndexNonexistent: pass
[docs] def __iter__(self): for item in self.iteritems(): yield item.index
[docs] def items(self): return list(self.iteritems())
[docs] def indexes(self): return list(self)
[docs] def ids(self): return [self[x].id for x in self.iteritems()]
[docs]class SampleBaseId(tuple): """ This class represents a sample id. A sample id is a multi-dimensional id that has a simple, consistent string representation. """ _element_type = type(None)
[docs] def __new__(cls, *args): """ Create a new SampleId :param args: the strings to make sample id for :type args: iterator/iterable of element type or element type """ # Probably an iterable or str, so only use first element if len(args) == 1: args = args[0] # Make sure we won't iterate over character in a str if isinstance(args, cls._element_type): args = (args,) # Use the generator to create values and store as tuple for later use try: args = [x for x in args] except TypeError: if isinstance(cls._element_type, tuple): etype = '/'.join(x.__name__ for x in cls._element_type) else: etype = cls._element_type.__name__ raise exceptions.FastrTypeError('The arguments for {} should be a iterable of {} elements, found non-iterable {}'.format(cls.__name__, etype, args)) # Make sure the ID is not empty (which would make a terrible identifier) if len(args) == 0: raise exceptions.FastrValueError('A {} must have at least one dimension to be valid!'.format(cls.__name__)) if not all(isinstance(x, cls._element_type) for x in args): raise exceptions.FastrTypeError( 'The arguments for {} should be a iterable of {} elements, found iterable {}'.format(cls.__name__, cls._element_type, args) ) return super(SampleBaseId, cls).__new__(cls, args)
[docs] def __repr__(self): """ Get a string representation for the SampleBaseId :return: the string representation :rtype: str """ return '<{} {}>'.format(type(self).__name__, super(SampleBaseId, self).__repr__())
[docs] def __str__(self): """ Get a string version for the SampleId, joins the SampleId with __ to create a single string version. :return: the string version :rtype: str """ return '__'.join(str(x) for x in self)
[docs] def __add__(self, other): """ Add another SampleId, this allows to add parts to the SampleId in a convenient way. """ if isinstance(other, self._element_type): other = (other,) if not isinstance(other, tuple): return NotImplemented return type(self)(super(SampleBaseId, self).__add__(other))
[docs] def __radd__(self, other): """ Add another SampleId, this allows to add parts to the SampleId in a convenient way. This is the right-hand version of the operator. """ if isinstance(other, self._element_type): other = (other,) if not isinstance(other, tuple): return NotImplemented return type(self)(tuple(other) + tuple(self))
[docs]class SampleId(SampleBaseId): """ SampleId is an identifier for data using human readable strings """ _element_type = (str, unicode)
[docs]class SampleIndex(SampleBaseId): """ SampleId is an identifier for data using the location in the N-d data structure. """ _element_type = (int, slice)
[docs] def __str__(self): """ Get a string version for the SampleId, joins the SampleId with __ to create a single string version. :return: the string version :rtype: str """ # This horrible one-liner returns the str representation of the elements # For an int is just calls str, but for a slice it will create a str like # start:stop[:step] with the None as empty plot_elem = [('{x[0]}:{x[1]}' if s.step is None else '{x[0]}:{x[1]}:{x[2]}').format( x=[str(n) if n is not None else '' for n in (s.start, s.stop, s.step)]) if isinstance(s, slice) else str(s) for s in self] return '({})'.format(', '.join(plot_elem))
[docs] def __repr__(self): """ Get a string representation for the SampleIndex :return: the string representation :rtype: str """ return '<{} {}>'.format(type(self).__name__, str(self))
@property def isslice(self): """ Flag indicating that the SampleIndex is a slice (as opposed to a simple single index). """ return any(isinstance(x, slice) for x in self)
[docs] def expand(self, size): """ Function expanding a slice SampleIndex into a list of non-slice SampleIndex objects :param size: the size of the collection to slice """ if len(size) != len(self): raise exceptions.FastrValueError('Number of dimensions of the index and size do not' ' match ({} vs {})'.format(len(self), len(size))) if not self.isslice: return self # For each dimension get the range arguments index_range = (x.indices(s) if isinstance(x, slice) else (x, x+1) for x, s in zip(self, size)) # Create an xrange iterator for each dimension index_range = [xrange(*x) if len(x) > 0 else [] for x in index_range] # Create all combinations of indices return tuple(SampleIndex(x) for x in itertools.product(*index_range))
[docs]class SampleValue(MutableMapping): """ A collection containing the content of a sample """ _key_type = (int, str)
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): try: self._data = dict(*args, **kwargs) except (TypeError, ValueError) as err: raise exceptions.FastrTypeError('Cannot create dict based on: args "{}" kwargs and "{}" (reason: {})'.format(args, kwargs, err))
[docs] def __repr__(self): return '<SampleValue {}>'.format(self._data)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, item): if not isinstance(item, self._key_type): raise exceptions.FastrTypeError('Keys in a SampleValue should be of {}'.format(self._key_type)) try: return self._data[item] except KeyError: raise exceptions.FastrKeyError('Key {} not found in {}'.format(item, self._data))
[docs] def __setitem__(self, key, value): if not isinstance(key, self._key_type): raise exceptions.FastrTypeError('Keys in a SampleValue should be of {}'.format(self._key_type)) if not isinstance(value, tuple): raise exceptions.FastrTypeError('Values in a SampleValue should be of type tuple') self._data[key] = value
[docs] def __getstate__(self): state = {} for key, value in self._data.items(): state[key] = tuple(x.__getstate__() for x in value) return ('SampleValue', state)
[docs] def __setstate__(self, state): if state[0] != 'SampleValue': raise exceptions.FastrValueError('Cannot unpickle incorrectly formatted SampleValue data!') self._data = {} for key, value in state[1].items(): new_value = [] for item in value: if item[0] not in fastr.typelist: # Trigger toollist population new_item = fastr.typelist[item[0]]() new_item.__setstate__(item) new_value.append(new_item) self._data[key] = tuple(new_value)
[docs] def __delitem__(self, key): if not isinstance(key, self._key_type): raise exceptions.FastrTypeError('Keys in a SampleValue should be of {}'.format(self._key_type)) del self._data[key]
[docs] def __len__(self): return sum(len(x) for x in self.values())
[docs] def __iter__(self): for key in sorted(self._data.keys()): yield key
@property def is_sequence(self): return all(isinstance(x, int) for x in self.keys()) @property def is_mapping(self): return not self.is_sequence
[docs] def sequence_part(self): return tuple(x for k, v in self.items() if isinstance(k, int) for x in v)
[docs] def mapping_part(self): return OrderedDict([(k, v) for k, v in self.items() if isinstance(k, str)])
[docs] def cast(self, datatype): new_data = {} for key, value in self.items(): new_data[key] = tuple(x if datatype.isinstance(x) else datatype(x) for x in value) return SampleValue(new_data)
[docs] def iterelements(self): for value in self.values(): for element in value: yield element
[docs] def __radd__(self, other): # Allow for sum if not isinstance(other, int): return NotImplemented if other != 0: return NotImplemented return self
[docs] def __add__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, SampleValue): return NotImplemented # Create result with the tuple parts if they exist result = {} sequence_part_self = self.sequence_part() sequence_part_other = other.sequence_part() if len(sequence_part_self) > 0: result[0] = sequence_part_self if len(sequence_part_other) > 0: result[1] = sequence_part_other # Add keys known in self, merge with other if needed mapping_part_self = self.mapping_part() mapping_part_other = other.mapping_part() for key, value in mapping_part_self.items(): if key in mapping_part_other: result[key] = value + mapping_part_other[key] else: result[key] = value # Add the keys of other not yet merged for key, value in mapping_part_other.items(): if key not in result: result[key] = value return SampleValue(result)
[docs]class SampleCollection(MutableMapping): """ The SampleCollections is a class that contains the data including a form of ordering. Each sample is reachable both by its SampleId and a SampleIndex. The object is sparse, so not all SampleId have to be defined allowing for non-rectangular data shapes. .. note:: This object is meant to replace both the SampleIdList and the ValueStorage. """
[docs] def __init__(self, dimnames, parent): """ Createa a new SampleCollection """ self._dimnames = dimnames self._ndims = len(dimnames) self._size = (0,) * self.ndims self._parent = parent self._id_lookup = dict() self._index_lookup = dict()
[docs] def __repr__(self): return '<SampleCollection containing {} samples>'.format(self.size)
[docs] def __contains__(self, item): """ Check if an item is in the SampleCollection. The item can be a SampleId or SampleIndex. If the item is a slicing SampleIndex, then check if it would return any data (True) or no data (False) :param item: the item to check for :type item: SampleId, SampleIndex :return: flag indicating item is in the collections :rtype: bool """ if not isinstance(item, (SampleIndex, SampleId)): try: item = SampleIndex(item) except (exceptions.FastrValueError, exceptions.FastrTypeError): try: item = SampleId(item) except (exceptions.FastrValueError, exceptions.FastrTypeError): pass if isinstance(item, SampleId): return item in self._id_lookup elif isinstance(item, SampleIndex): if not item.isslice: return item in self._index_lookup else: return any(x in self._index_lookup for x in item.expand(self.size)) else: return False
[docs] def __getitem__(self, item): """ Retrieve (a) SampleItem(s) from the SampleCollection using the SampleId or SampleIndex. If the item is a tuple, it should be valid tuple for constructing either a SampleId or SampleIndex. :param item: the identifier of the item to retrieve :type item: SampleId, SampleIndex, or tuple :returns: the requested item :rtype: SampleItem :raises FastrTypeError: if the item parameter is of incorrect type :raises KeyError: if the item is not found """ # If the item is not a SampleId or SampleIndex, try to salvage by # turning the item into a proper format if not isinstance(item, (SampleIndex, SampleId)): try: item = SampleIndex(item) except (exceptions.FastrValueError, exceptions.FastrTypeError): try: item = SampleId(item) except (exceptions.FastrValueError, exceptions.FastrTypeError): pass if isinstance(item, SampleId): try: return self._id_lookup[item] except KeyError: raise exceptions.FastrKeyError('Cannot find key {!r} in {}'.format(item, sorted(self._id_lookup.keys()))) elif isinstance(item, SampleIndex): if not item.isslice: try: return self._index_lookup[item] except KeyError: if all(0 <= x < s for x, s in zip(item, self.size)): raise exceptions.FastrIndexNonexistent('Could not find index {} in sparse array {}'.format(item, self)) else: raise exceptions.FastrKeyError('Cannot find index {!r} in {}'.format(item, sorted(self._index_lookup.keys()))) else: # Unpack slice try: return tuple(self._index_lookup[x] for x in item.expand(self.size) if x in self._index_lookup) except KeyError: raise exceptions.FastrKeyError('Cannot find key {!r}'.format(item)) else: raise exceptions.FastrTypeError('The key of a SampleCollection has' 'to be a SampleId or SampleIndex' ' (found {})'.format(item))
[docs] def __setitem__(self, key, value): """ Set an item to the SampleCollection. The key can be a SampleId, SampleIndex or a tuple containing a SampleId and SampleIndex. The value can be a SampleItem (with the SampleId and SampleIndex matching), a tuple with values (assuming no depending jobs), or a with a list of values and a set of depending jobs. :param key: the key of the item to store :type key: SampleId, SampleIndex, tuple of both, or SampleItem :param value: the value of the SampleItem to store :type value: SampleItem, tuple of values, or tuple of tuple of values and set of depending jobs :raises FastrTypeError: if the key or value types are incorrect :raises FastrValueError: if the id or values are incorrectly formed """ # Parse the key to set if isinstance(key, SampleId): sample_id = key sample_index = None elif isinstance(key, SampleIndex): sample_id = None sample_index = key elif isinstance(key, SampleItem): sample_id = sample_index = key.index elif isinstance(key, tuple): if len(key) == 2 and isinstance(key[0], SampleId) and isinstance(key[1], SampleIndex): sample_id = key[0] sample_index = key[1] elif len(key) == 2 and isinstance(key[0], SampleIndex) and isinstance(key[1], SampleId): sample_id = key[1] sample_index = key[0] else: raise exceptions.FastrValueError('If the key to set is a tuple, it must ' 'contain exactly one SampleId and one SampleItem') else: raise exceptions.FastrTypeError('The key to set must be a SampleId, SampleIndex,' ' or tuple (found {})'.format(type(key).__name__)) # Parse the value to set if isinstance(value, SampleItem): if sample_id is not None and != sample_id: raise ValueError('The SampleId of the key and the value do not' ' correspond! ({} vs {})'.format(, sample_id)) if sample_index is not None and value.index != sample_index: raise ValueError('The SampleIndex of the key and the value do' ' not correspond! ({} vs {})'.format(value.index, sample_index)) value = SampleItem(value.index,,,, value.failed_annotations) elif isinstance(value, SamplePayload): if sample_id is not None and != sample_id: raise ValueError('The SampleId of the key and the value do not' ' correspond! ({} vs {})'.format(, sample_id)) if sample_index is not None and value.index != sample_index: raise ValueError('The SampleIndex of the key and the value do' ' not correspond! ({} vs {})'.format(value.index, sample_index)) elif isinstance(value, tuple): # Assume the (values, depending_jobs) value format if sample_index is None: raise exceptions.FastrValueError('Could not find a proper SampleIndex for item to store') if sample_id is None: raise exceptions.FastrValueError('Could not find a proper SampleId for item to store') if len(value) == 2 and isinstance(value[0], SampleValue) and isinstance(value[1], set): # Create the SampleItem value = SampleItem(sample_index, sample_id, value[0], value[1], set()) if len(value) == 3 and isinstance(value[0], SampleValue) and isinstance(value[1], set) and isinstance(value[2], set): # Create the SampleItem value = SampleItem(sample_index, sample_id, value[0], value[1], set()) else: raise exceptions.FastrValueError('The tuple value is not a (values, depending) or' ' (values, depending, failed_annotations)' ' jobs tuple or a tuple of values!') else: # Try to cast it SampleValue if not isinstance(value, SampleValue): value = SampleValue(value) # Assume a iterable of values # We know that datatype is callable # pylint: disable=not-callable value = SampleItem(sample_index, sample_id, value, set(), set()) # Make sure we know both sample_index and sample_id if sample_index is None: sample_index = value.index if sample_id is None: sample_id = # Check if items already exists and that both point to the same item if sample_index in self._index_lookup or sample_id in self._id_lookup: if self._index_lookup.get(sample_index) is not self._id_lookup.get(sample_id): raise exceptions.FastrValueError('The index and id of the item to set point to different items!') # Adapt the size self._size = tuple(max(x, y + 1) for x, y in zip(self._size, sample_index)) # Store in both lookups self._index_lookup[sample_index] = value self._id_lookup[sample_id] = value
[docs] def __delitem__(self, key): """ Remove an item from the SampleCollection :param key: the key of the item to remove :type key: SampleId, SampleIndex, tuple of both, or SampleItem """ if isinstance(key, SampleId): sample_id = key sample_index = self._id_lookup[sample_id].index elif isinstance(key, SampleIndex): sample_index = key sample_id = self._index_lookup[sample_index].id elif isinstance(key, SampleItem): sample_id = sample_index = key.index elif isinstance(key, tuple): if len(key) == 2 and isinstance(key[0], SampleId) and isinstance(key[1], SampleIndex): sample_id = key[0] sample_index = key[1] elif len(key) == 2 and isinstance(key[0], SampleIndex) and isinstance(key[1], SampleId): sample_id = key[1] sample_index = key[2] else: raise exceptions.FastrValueError('If the key to set is a tuple, it must ' 'contain exactly one SampleId and one SampleItem') else: raise exceptions.FastrTypeError('The key to remove must be a SampleId, SampleIndex,' ' or tuple (found {})'.format(type(key).__name__)) # Check if items already exists and that both point to the same item if sample_index not in self._index_lookup or sample_id not in self._id_lookup: raise exceptions.FastrValueError('Either the SampleId or SampleIndex to remove was not found!' ' This indicates a data corruption int he SampleCollection!') if self._index_lookup.get(sample_index) is not self._id_lookup.get(sample_id): raise exceptions.FastrValueError('The index and id of the item to remove point to different items!') del self._index_lookup[sample_index] del self._index_lookup[sample_id]
[docs] def __iter__(self): """ Iterate over the indices """ for index in sorted(self._index_lookup): yield index
[docs] def __len__(self): """ Get the number of samples in the SampleCollections. """ return len(self._id_lookup)
@property def dimnames(self): """ The dimnames of the SampleCollection """ return self._dimnames @property def ndims(self): """ The number of dimensions in this SampleCollection """ return self._ndims @property def parent(self): """ The parent object holding the SampleCollection """ return self._parent @property def size(self): """ The size of the SampleCollection. The size is the largest index in every dimension. For a 2D SampleCollection with 2 entries (10, 2) and (6, 6) the size would be (10, 6). As that is the rectangular grid that contains all data points. """ return self._size @property def fullid(self): """ The full defining ID for the SampleIdList """ if self.parent is not None: return '{}/SampleCollection'.format(self.parent.fullid) else: return 'UNKNOWN/SampleCollection'