Source code for fastr.core.updateable

# Copyright 2011-2014 Biomedical Imaging Group Rotterdam, Departments of
# Medical Informatics and Radiology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

This module contains both the Updateable class and UpdateableMeta meta-class
for objects which support updates within the fastr system

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import os
import types
import threading
import fastr

import fastr.exceptions as exceptions

[docs]class UpdateableMeta(ABCMeta): """ A metaclass for objects which are updateable and need some methods/properties to trigger an update. """
[docs] @classmethod def calcmro(mcs, bases): """Calculate the Method Resolution Order of bases using the C3 algorithm. Suppose you intended creating a class K with the given base classes. This function returns the MRO which K would have, *excluding* K itself (since it doesn't yet exist), as if you had actually created the class. Another way of looking at this, if you pass a single class K, this will return the linearization of K (the MRO of K, *including* itself). :param bases: the list of bases for which create the MRO :return: the list representing the entire MRO, except the (non-existing) class itself Note: Taken from Created by Steven D'Aprano and licensed under the MIT license """ seqs = [list(C.__mro__) for C in bases] + [list(bases)] res = [] while True: non_empty = [item for item in seqs if item] if not non_empty: # Nothing left to process, we're done. return tuple(res) for seq in non_empty: # Find merge candidates among seq heads. candidate = seq[0] not_head = [s for s in non_empty if candidate in s[1:]] if not_head: # Reject the candidate. candidate = None else: break if not candidate: raise TypeError("inconsistent hierarchy, no C3 MRO is possible") res.append(candidate) for seq in non_empty: # Remove candidate. if seq[0] == candidate: del seq[0]
[docs] @classmethod def find_member(mcs, name, parents, dct): """ Find a member of the class in the same way as Python would if it had a given dict and set of bases :param mcs: metaclass at work :param name: name of the class to be created :param parents: list of the bases for the new class :param dct: the dict of the class being created :return: the firstly resolved member or None if nothing found """ if name in dct: return dct[name] for cls in mcs.calcmro(parents): if hasattr(cls, name): return getattr(cls, name) return None
[docs] def __new__(mcs, name, parents, dct): if '__updatetriggers__' in dct: triggers = dct['__updatetriggers__'] for trigger in triggers: fnc = mcs.find_member(trigger, parents, dct) if fnc is not None: if isinstance(fnc, (types.FunctionType, types.MethodType, types.BuiltinMethodType)): fastr.log.debug('Adding update trigger {} to {}'.format(trigger, name)) dct[trigger] = mcs.updatetrigger(fnc) else: fastr.log.debug('Skipping trigger {} for {} (wrong type: {})'.format(trigger, name, type(fnc).__name__)) else: fastr.log.debug('Skipping trigger {} for {} (not in dct)'.format(trigger, name)) raise ValueError() return super(UpdateableMeta, mcs).__new__(mcs, name, parents, dct)
[docs] @staticmethod def updatetrigger(fnc): """ Function decorator to make a function trigger an update after being called. This is a way to easily have function trigger an update after setting a value without writing tons of wrapper functions. The function keeps the original docstring and appends a note to it. """ def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Decorator wrapper around a function. This docstring will be changed for each wrapped function """ # First call the wrapped function fnc(self, *args, **kwargs) # Call the update function # This function name is chosen so that it has low chance of conflicts if self.__updating__: self.__updatefunc__() # Add a note to the docstring indicating what is going on original = '{}.{}'.format(fnc.__module__, fnc.__name__) docstring = fnc.__doc__.lstrip('\n') indent = docstring[:len(docstring) - len(docstring.lstrip())] extra_doc = ('\n.. note::\n' ' This is a wrapped version of ``{orig}``\n' ' which triggers an update of the object after\n' ' being called').format(orig=original) extra_doc = '\n{}'.format(indent).join(extra_doc.splitlines()) wrapper.__doc__ = docstring.rstrip() + "\n{indent}\n{indent}{extra_doc}\n{indent}".format(indent=indent, extra_doc=extra_doc) return wrapper
[docs]class Updateable(object): """ Super class for all classes that can be updated and have a status. These objects can be valid/invalid state. These states are set by the function update. This allows for interactively checking the network. """ __metaclass__ = UpdateableMeta #: Which methods need to be wrapped to trigger an update. Override this #: value to have the functions automatically wrapped. E.g. #: ``__update_triggers__ = ['append', 'insert', '__setitem__']`` to have #: these functions wrapped. __updatetriggers__ = [] #: Flag to indicate that this object is allowed to update __updating__ = True #: Lock to avoid multiple updates happening at the same time __updateinprogress__ = threading.Lock()
[docs] def __init__(self): """ Constructor, creates the status field :return: newly created object """ self._status = {'key': None, 'valid': None, 'messages': []}
[docs] def __getstate__(self): """ Retrieve the state of the object, make sure the status is not part of the description as it will not be valid after re-creating the object. :return: the state of the object :rtype dict: """ return {}
[docs] def __setstate__(self, state): """ Set the state of the object by the given state. This adds a clean status field, making sure it is not unintended, outdated information from before serialization. :param dict state: The state to populate the object with """ self._status = {'key': None, 'valid': None, 'messages': []}
@property def messages(self): """ The messages of the last update """ return self._status['messages'] @property def valid(self): """ Flag indicating that the object is valid """ return self._status['valid']
[docs] def update(self, key=None, forward=True, backward=False): """ Default function for updating, it can be called without key to have a new update started with a new key. :param int key: a key for this update, should be different than the last update key :param bool forward: flag indicating to update forward in the network :param bool backward: flag indicating to update backward in the network """ # If updating is disable, we don't do anything if not self.__updating__: return # If this is the first update function called in this round, create a key lock = False if key is None: key = hash(os.urandom(128)) # Block update until previous updates are finished fastr.log.debug('Getting update lock') lock = Updateable.__updateinprogress__.acquire() fastr.log.debug('Got update lock') # Only update if not update in this update round if key == self._status['key']: # Release updatable lock, this should never be needed, but if not done when needed causes a deadlock if lock: fastr.log.warning('Releasing lock in unexpected place! Might be a bug!') Updateable.__updateinprogress__.release() fastr.log.debug('Released update lock') return # Store key to mark last update round self._status['key'] = key # Run the update func self._update(key, forward, backward) # Release updatable lock if lock: Updateable.__updateinprogress__.release() fastr.log.debug('Released update lock') return key
# Set the update function for the trigger functions to call __updatefunc__ = update @abstractmethod def _update(self, key, forward=True, backward=False): """ The actual update function to be used. This is an abstract function that Updateable objects must implement. :param int key: a key for this update, should be different than the last update key :param bool forward: flag indicating to update forward in the network :param bool backward: flag indicating to update backward in the network """ raise exceptions.FastrNotImplementedError('Purposefully not implemented')