Source code for fastr.core.baseplugin

# Copyright 2011-2014 Biomedical Imaging Group Rotterdam, Departments of
# Medical Informatics and Radiology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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The base class for all Plugins in the fastr system

from abc import ABCMeta
from enum import Enum
import gzip
import StringIO

import fastr
from colorama import Fore, Back, Style

from fastr import exceptions
from fastr.utils.classproperty import classproperty

[docs]class PluginState(Enum): """ Plugin status Enum. """ uninitialized = Back.CYAN + 'UnInitialized' + Style.RESET_ALL preload = Back.LIGHTGREEN_EX + 'PreLoad' + Style.RESET_ALL unloaded = Back.CYAN + 'UnLoaded' + Style.RESET_ALL failed = Fore.WHITE + Back.RED + Style.BRIGHT + 'Failed' + Style.RESET_ALL loaded = Fore.WHITE + Back.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + 'Loaded' + Style.RESET_ALL
[docs]class PluginMeta(ABCMeta): """ Meta class for the BasePlugin. """
[docs] def __repr__(self): return '<{}: {} class [{}]>'.format(self.__bases__[0].__name__,, getattr(self.status, 'value', 'NA'))
[docs]class BasePlugin(object): """ Base class for Plugins in the fastr system. """ __metaclass__ = PluginMeta #: The status of the plugin _status = (PluginState.uninitialized, 'Plugin object created', None) _source_code = None module = None _instantiate = False
[docs] def __init__(self): """ The BasePlugin constructor. :return: the created plugin :rtype: BasePlugin :raises FastrPluginNotLoaded: if the plugin did not load correctly """ if self.status not in (PluginState.preload, PluginState.loaded): raise exceptions.FastrPluginNotLoaded('Plugin was not properly loaded: [{}] {}'.format(self._status[0], self._status[1]))
[docs] def __str__(self): """ Creare string representation of the plugin. :return: string represenation :rtype: str """ return '<Plugin: {}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def __repr__(self): return '<{}: {} object [{}]>'.format(type(self).__bases__[0].__name__,, getattr(self.status, 'value', 'NA'))
@classproperty def id(cls): """ The id of this plugin """ return cls.__name__ @classproperty def configuration_fields(cls): """ Plugins can register the fields they need from the configuration by adding them here. The format of the data structure is:: { "var_name": (type, default, description), } So for example:: { "some_string": (str, "spam", "some string used for demonstration purposes"), "some_int": (str, 42, "the answer to life etc"), } """ return {}
[docs] @classmethod def register_configuration(cls): """ Register and test the configuation fields of the plugin """ # Register fields fastr.config.register_fields(cls.configuration_fields) # Validate that current values are correct for field_name, field_spec in cls.configuration_fields.items(): fastr.log.debug('Tested config value: {}'.format(getattr(fastr.config, field_name)))
@classproperty def fullid(cls): """ The full id of this plugin """ return 'fastr://plugins/{}'.format( @classproperty def source_code(cls): """ The source code of this plugin """ code_gzip = StringIO.StringIO(cls._source_code) with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=code_gzip, mode='rb') as gzip_stream: return
[docs] @classproperty def status(cls): """ The status of the plugin. """ return cls._status[0]
@classproperty def instantiate(cls): """ Flag if the plugin should be instantiated """ return cls._instantiate @classproperty def status_message(cls): """ The message explaining the status of the plugin. """ return cls._status[1]
[docs] @classmethod def set_status(cls, status, message, exception=None): """ Update the status of the plugin :param str status: the new status :param str message: message explaining the status change :param str exception: stacktrace of the exception causing the failed load """ if not isinstance(status, PluginState): raise exceptions.FastrTypeError('Plugin status should be of type PluginState') if not isinstance(message, basestring): raise exceptions.FastrTypeError('Plugin status message should be a string') cls._status = (status, message, exception)
[docs] @classmethod def set_code(cls, source_code): """ Set the filename and source code of the plugin :param str source_code: the source code of the plugin """ #if cls._source_code is not None: # raise exceptions.FastrCannotChangeAttributeError('Filename and/or source code are already set!') # We gzip the source code before storing #code_gzip = StringIO.StringIO() #with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=code_gzip, mode='w') as gzip_stream: # gzip_stream.write(source_code) #cls._source_code = code_gzip.getvalue() cls._source_code = source_code
[docs] def cleanup(self): """ Perform any cleanup action needed when the plugin use ended. This can be closing files/streams etc. """ pass
[docs] @classmethod def test(cls): """ Test the plugin, default behaviour is just to instantiate the plugin """ obj = cls() obj.cleanup() del obj
[docs]class Plugin(BasePlugin): pass