Source code for fastr.core.datatypemanager

# Copyright 2011-2014 Biomedical Imaging Group Rotterdam, Departments of
# Medical Informatics and Radiology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

This module manages datatypes. These datatypes are python classes generated
from the XML/JSON datatype files.
import os
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ElementTree

import fastr
import fastr.datatypes
from fastr.core.pluginmanager import BasePluginManager
from fastr.core.version import Version
from import url
from fastr.datatypes import BaseDataType, DataType, TypeGroup, EnumType, Deferred
import fastr.exceptions as exceptions
from fastr.utils.checksum import hashsum

[docs]class DataTypeManager(BasePluginManager): """ The DataTypeManager hold a mapping of all DataTypes in the fast system and can create new DataTypes from files/data structures. """
[docs] def __init__(self): """ The DataTypeManager constructor will create a new DataTypeManager and populate it with all DataTypes it can find in the paths set in ``fastr.config.types_path``. :return: the created DataTypeManager """ self.types_map = {} self._preferred_types = [] super(DataTypeManager, self).__init__(fastr.config.types_path)
@property def fullid(self): """ The fullid of the datatype manager """ return 'fastr://typelist' @property def plugin_class(self): """ The PluginClass of the items of the BasePluginManager """ return BaseDataType # Allow key to be a id string or DataType
[docs] def __keytransform__(self, key): """ Key transformation for this mapping. The key transformation allows indexing by both the DataType name as well as the DataType it self. :param key: The name of the requested datatype or the datatype itself :type key: fastr.datatypes.BaseDataType or str :return: The requested datatype """ if self.isdatatype(key): if in and[] is key: return else: raise exceptions.FastrDataTypeMismatchError('key DataType {} not {}'.format(, type(self).__name__)) else: return key
[docs] def populate(self): """ Populate Manager. After scanning for DataTypes, create the AnyType and set the preferred types """ super(DataTypeManager, self).populate() # Add the any type self['AnyType'] = fastr.datatypes.AnyType self['AnyFile'] = fastr.datatypes.AnyFile self['Deferred'] = fastr.datatypes.Deferred # DataType specific extras self._preferred_types = [[t] for t in fastr.config.preferred_types if t in]
@property def _instantiate(self): """ Flag indicating that the plugin should NOT be instantiated prior to saving """ return False def _print_key(self, key): if key.startswith('__') and key.endswith('__'): return None return key
[docs] def has_type(self, name): """ Check if the datatype with requested name exists :param str name: the name of the requested datatype :return: flag indicating if the datatype exists :rtype: bool """ return name in
[docs] def poll_datatype(self, filename): """ Poll an xml file to see if there is a definition of a datatype in it. :param str filename: path of the file to poll :return: tuple with (id, version, basetype) if a datatype is found or (None, None, None) if no datatype is found """ if os.path.exists(filename): tree = ElementTree.parse(filename) root = tree.getroot() if root.tag not in ('type', 'typegroup'): message = 'Invalid root tag ({}) in file!'.format(root.tag) fastr.log.warning(message) return (None, None, None) id_ = root.get('id') version = Version(root.get('version')) return (id_, version, root.tag) else: message = '{} not a valid filename'.format(filename) fastr.log.warning(message) return (None, None, None)
[docs] def get_type(self, name): """Read a type given a typename. This will scan all directories in types_path and attempt to load the newest version of the DataType. :param str name: Name of the datatype that should be imported in the system :return: the datatype with the requested name, or None if datatype is not found .. note:: If type is already in TypeManager it will not load anything and return the already loaded version. """ fastr.log.debug('Attemping to get datatype {}'.format(name)) if name in self: return self[name] latest_version = Version('0.0') latest_filename = '' for path in fastr.config.types_path: filename = os.path.join(path, name + '.xml') if os.path.exists(filename): (pollname, version, _) = self.poll_datatype(filename) if pollname == name and version > latest_version: latest_version = version latest_filename = filename if latest_filename == '': message = 'Could not find type with name {}'.format(name) fastr.log.error(message) return None fastr.log.debug('Found {} (version {}) in {}'.format(name, latest_version, latest_filename)) self._load_item(latest_filename) return self[name]
def _store_item(self, name, value): """ Store an item in the BaseManager, will ignore the item if the key is already present in the BaseManager. :param name: the key of the item to save :param value: the value of the item to save :return: None """ super(DataTypeManager, self)._store_item(name, value) if is not None: value.__module__ = 'fastr.datatypes' setattr(fastr.datatypes,, value)
[docs] def create_enumtype(self, type_id, options, name=None): """ Create a python class based on an XML file. This function return a completely functional python class based on the contents of a DataType XML file. Such a class will be of type EnumType. :param str type_id: the id of the new class :param iterable options: an iterable of options, each option should be str :return: the newly created subclass of EnumType :raises FastrTypeError: if the options is not an iterable of str """ if type_id in self: if self[type_id].options != set(options): raise exceptions.FastrDataTypeMismatchError('Conflicting definition of Enum {}!' ' (options {} vs {})'.format(type_id, self[type_id].options, options)) fastr.log.debug('Returning existing DataType {}!'.format(type_id)) return self[type_id] attributes = {} try: if isinstance(options, str): options = (options,) attributes['_options'] = frozenset(options) except TypeError: message = 'options must be a iterable containing the valid options for the Enum, found options {}'.format(options) fastr.log.error(message) raise exceptions.FastrTypeError(message) if not all(isinstance(x, str) for x in attributes['_options']): message = 'all options for an Enum must be of type str, found options {}'.format(options) fastr.log.error(message) raise exceptions.FastrTypeError(message) attributes['parent'] = self attributes['_sourcepath'] = None attributes['_hash'] = hashsum([type_id, name, options]) attributes['__module__'] = 'fastr.datatypes' supertypes = (EnumType,) fastr.log.debug('Creating EnumType {} from script'.format(type_id)) out = type(type_id, supertypes, attributes) self[type_id] = out setattr(fastr.datatypes,, out) return out
[docs] def guess_type(self, value, exists=True, options=None, preferred=None): """ Guess the DataType based on a value str. :param str value: the value to guess the type for :param options: The options that are allowed to be guessed from :type options: TypeGroup, DataType or tuple of DataTypes :param bool extists: Indicate the value exists (if file) and can be checked for validity, if false skip validity check :param iterable preferred: An iterable of preferred types in case multiple types match. :return: The resulting DataType or None if no match was found :raises FastrTypeError: if the options argument is of the wrong type The function will first create a list of all candidate DataTypes. Subsequently, it will check for each candidate if the value would valid. If there are multiple matches, the config value for preferred types is consulted to break the ties. If non of the DataTypes are in the preferred types list, a somewhat random DataType will be picked as the most optimal result. """ fastr.log.debug('Guesstype value: {}, options: {}'.format(value, options)) if options is None: options = set([x for x in self.values() if issubclass(x, DataType)]) elif issubclass(options, TypeGroup): options = set(options.members) elif issubclass(options, DataType): options = set((options,)) elif isinstance(options, tuple): options = set(options) else: raise exceptions.FastrTypeError('Invalid type for options ({})'.format(options)) fastr.log.debug('Guesstype options: {}'.format(options)) candidates = set() scheme = None if url.isurl(value): scheme = url.get_url_scheme(value) if scheme != 'vfs': if scheme != 'val': fastr.log.warning('Cannot determine DataType based on URL with scheme {}'.format(url.get_url_scheme(value))) return None for option in options: if not issubclass(option, DataType): continue elif issubclass(option, Deferred): continue # We never want to find a deferred (it is not a valid type for an instance) elif option.extension is None: candidates.add(option) elif isinstance(value, (str, unicode)) and value.endswith('.{}'.format(option.extension)): candidates.add(option) fastr.log.debug('Guesstype candidates: {}'.format(candidates)) if len(candidates) == 0: fastr.log.debug('No valid combinations of options and candidates!') return None if len(candidates) != 1 and exists: # Test validity of value for each DataType final_candidates = [] for candidate in candidates: temp = candidate(value) if temp.valid: final_candidates.append(candidate) else: final_candidates = list(candidates) # Remove types in these order in case of mutliple matches, that means # the Int has precidence over the Boolean, Float and String in case # of a tie types_to_remove = ['String', 'Float', 'Boolean', 'Int', 'UnsignedInt'] fastr.log.debug('Final candidates: {}'.format(final_candidates)) if len(final_candidates) > 1: for type_to_remove in types_to_remove: if fastr.typelist[type_to_remove] in final_candidates: final_candidates.remove(fastr.typelist[type_to_remove]) if len(final_candidates) == 1: break if len(final_candidates) == 0: return None elif len(final_candidates) == 1: fastr.log.debug('Matched a single type: {}'.format(final_candidates[0])) return final_candidates[0] else: fastr.log.debug('Multiple DataTypes match, trying to find a preferred match! Remaining candidates: {}'.format(final_candidates)) # Get preferred types from argument list if preferred is not None: for type_ in preferred: if type_ in final_candidates:'Found preferred match (from keyword): {}'.format(type_)) return type_ # Get preferred information from the config for type_ in self._preferred_types: if type_ in final_candidates: fastr.log.debug('Found preferred match: {}'.format(type_)) return type_ fastr.log.debug('Mutliple matches, removing matches without extension') backup_candidate = final_candidates[0] final_candidates = [x for x in final_candidates if x.extension is not None] if len(final_candidates) == 1: return final_candidates[0] else: fastr.log.error('Multiple DataTypes match, but no preferred match, picking one at random! Remaining candidates: {}'.format(final_candidates)) if len(final_candidates) > 1: return final_candidates[0] else: return backup_candidate
[docs] def match_types(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Find the match between a list of DataTypes/TypeGroups, see :ref:`resolve-datatype` for details :param args: A list of DataType/TypeGroup objects to match :param kwargs: A 'preferred' keyword argument can be used to indicate a list of DataTypes to prefer in case of ties (first has precedence over later in list) :return: The best DataType match, or None if no match is possible. :raises FastrTypeError: if not all args are subclasses of BaseDataType """ options = self.match_types_any(*args) # Check if it is a preferred type if 'preferred' in kwargs and kwargs['preferred'] is not None: if not all([self.isdatatype(item) for item in kwargs['preferred']]): message = 'All preferred types must be DataTypes!' fastr.log.warning(message) preferred = kwargs['preferred'] else: preferred = self._preferred_types if len(options) == 0: fastr.log.warning("No matching DataType available (args {})".format(args)) return None elif len(options) == 1: # This is a perfect match, no preferences needed result = options.pop() return result else: # Get preferred information from the config for type_ in preferred: if type_ in options: return type_ fastr.log.debug("No preferred DataType matches, (options {}, preferred {})".format(options, preferred)) return None
[docs] def match_types_any(self, *args): """ Find the match between a list of DataTypes/TypeGroups, see :ref:`resolve-datatype` for details :param args: A list of DataType/TypeGroup objects to match :return: A set with all DataTypes that match. :rtype: set :raises FastrTypeError: if not all args are subclasses of BaseDataType """ # Find a single argument that is a list if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], (list, tuple)): args = args[0] # Remove typeless str args = tuple(arg for arg in args if arg != str) if not all([self.isdatatype(item) for item in args]): message = 'All arguments must be DataTypes! (Found {})'.format(args) fastr.log.error(message) raise exceptions.FastrTypeError(message) # In case there are no args if len(args) == 0: fastr.log.debug("No DataTypes given to match") return None # Create an initial options set (make sure to copy and not reference the set!) if issubclass(args[0], TypeGroup): options = set(args[0].members) else: options = set((args[0],)) # Find intersection of all arguments for datatype in args[1:]: if isinstance(datatype, DataType): datatype = type(datatype) if issubclass(datatype, TypeGroup): options &= datatype.members else: options &= set((datatype,)) return options
[docs] def isdatatype(item): """ Check if item is a valid datatype for the fastr system. :param item: item to check :return: flag indicating if the item is a fastr datatype :rtype: bool """ return isinstance(item, (type, type)) and issubclass(item, BaseDataType)
if 'typelist' not in locals(): typelist = DataTypeManager()