Command Line Tools

command description
cat Print information from a job file
execute Execute a fastr job file
extract_argparse Create a stub for a Tool based on a python script using argparse
prov Get PROV information from the result pickle.
run Run a Network from the commandline
testtool Run the tests of a tool to verify the proper function
trace Trace samples/sinks from a run
verify Print information from a job file
webapp Start the fastr webapp and open in a new browser tab


usage: fastr cat [-h] __fastr_extra_job_info__.json path

Positional Arguments

 result file to cat
path path of the data to print


Execute a job or network from commandline

usage: fastr execute [-h] [JOBFILE]

Positional Arguments

JOBFILE File of the job to execute (default ./__fastr_command__.pickle.gz)


usage: fastr extract_argparse [-h] TOOL.xml

Positional Arguments Python script to inspect
TOOL.xml created Tool stub


Get PROV information from the result pickle. When no options are given, the provenance syntax is printed to stdout in PROV-JSON format.

usage: fastr prov [-h] [-so SYNTAX_OUT_FILE] [-sf SYNTAX_FORMAT] [-i INDENT]
                  [-vo VISUALIZE_OUT_FILE]

Positional Arguments

RESULTFILE File of the job to execute (default ./__fastr_result__.pickle.gz)

Named Arguments

-so, –syntax-out-file
 Write the syntax to file.
-sf, –syntax-format

Choices are: [json], provn or xml

Default: “json”

-i, –indent

Indent size of the serialized documents.

Default: 2

-vo, –visualize-out-file
 Visualize the provenance. The most preferred format is svg. You can specify any format pydot supports. Specify the format by postfixing the filename with an extension.


Execute a job or network from commandline

usage: fastr run [-h] NETWORKFILE

Positional Arguments

NETWORKFILE File of the network to execute


Run the tests for a Tool to check the function

usage: fastr testtool [-h] TOOL

Positional Arguments

TOOL the id of the tool to test


usage: fastr trace [-h] [--verbose] [--sinks [SINKS [SINKS ...]]]
                   [--nodes [NODES [NODES ...]]]
                   [--samples [SAMPLES [SAMPLES ...]]]

Positional Arguments


result file to cat

Default: “/home/docs/checkouts/”

Named Arguments

–verbose, -v

path of the data to print

Default: False

–sinks list results for specified sinks
–nodes list results for specified nodes
–samples list result for all samples


usage: fastr verify [-h] TYPE path

Positional Arguments


Possible choices: tool

Type of resource to verify (e.g. tool)

path path of the resource to verify


Fastr web client

usage: fastr webapp [-h] [-d] [-o]

Named Arguments

-d, –debug

Debug mode.

Default: False

-o, –openpage

Open web page after start.

Default: False