utils Package

utils Package

A collections of utils for fastr (command line tools or non-core functionality)

checksum Module

This module contains a number of functions for checksumming files and objects

fastr.utils.checksum.checksum(filepath, algorithm='md5', hasher=None)[source]

Generate the checksum of a file

  • filepath (str, list) – path of the file(s) to checksum
  • algorithm (str) – the algorithm to use
  • hasher (_hashlib.HASH) – a hasher to continue updating (rather then creating a new one)

the checksum

Return type:


fastr.utils.checksum.checksum_directory(directory, algorithm='md5', hasher=None)[source]

Generate the checksum of an entire directory

  • directory (str) – path of the file(s) to checksum
  • algorithm (str) – the algorithm to use
  • hasher (_hashlib.HASH) – a hasher to continue updating (rather then creating a new one)

the checksum

Return type:


fastr.utils.checksum.hashsum(objects, hasher=None)[source]

Generate the md5 checksum of (a) python object(s)

  • objects – the objects to hash
  • hasher – the hasher to use as a base

the hash generated

Return type:



Generate the md5 checksum of a file

Parameters:filepath (str, list) – path of the file(s) to checksum
Returns:the checksum
Return type:str

Generate the sha1 checksum of a file

Parameters:filepath (str, list) – path of the file(s) to checksum
Returns:the checksum
Return type:str

classproperty Module

Module containing the code to create class properties.

class fastr.utils.classproperty.ClassPropertyDescriptor(fget)[source]

Bases: object

A descriptor that can act like a property for a class.

__dict__ = dict_proxy({'__module__': 'fastr.utils.classproperty', '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'ClassPropertyDescriptor' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'ClassPropertyDescriptor' objects>, '__doc__': '\n A descriptor that can act like a property for a class.\n ', '__init__': <function __init__>, '__get__': <function __get__>})
__get__(obj, cls=None)[source]
__module__ = 'fastr.utils.classproperty'

list of weak references to the object (if defined)


Decorator to create a “class property”

Parameters:func – the function to wrap
Returns:a class property
Return type:ClassPropertyDescriptor

clear_pycs Module

A small tool to wipe all .pyc files from fastr


Find all .pyc files

Parameters:directory (str) – directory to search
Returns:all .pyc files
Return type:list

Main entry poitn

compare Module

Module to compare various fastr specific things such as a execution directory or a reference directory.

fastr.utils.compare.compare_execution_dir(path1, path2)[source]

dicteq Module

Some helper function to compare dictionaries and find the parts of the dict that are different. This is mostly to help in debugging.

fastr.utils.dicteq.dicteq(self, other)[source]

Compare two dicts for equality

  • self – the first object to compare
  • other – the oth

fastr.utils.dicteq.diffdict(self, other, path=None, visited=None)[source]

Find the differences in two dictionaries.

  • self – the first object to compare
  • other (dict) – other dictionary
  • path (list) – the path for nested dicts (too keep track of recursion)

list of messages indicating the differences

Return type:


fastr.utils.dicteq.diffobj(self, other, path=None, visited=None)[source]

Compare two objects by comparing their __dict__ entries

  • self – the first object to compare
  • other – other objects to compare
  • path (list) – the path for nested dicts (too keep track of recursion)

list of messages

Return type:


fastr.utils.dicteq.diffobj_str(self, other)[source]

Compare two objects by comparing their __dict__ entries, but returns the differences in a single string ready for logging.

  • self – the first object to compare
  • other – other object to compare to

the description of the differences

Return type:


gettools Module


iohelpers Module

fastr.utils.iohelpers.load_gpickle(path, retry_scheme=None)[source]
fastr.utils.iohelpers.save_gpickle(path, data)[source]

jsonschemaparser Module

The JSON schema parser validates a json data structure and if possible casts data to the correct type and fills out default values. The result in a valid document that can be used to construct objects.

class fastr.utils.jsonschemaparser.FastrRefResolver(base_uri, referrer, store=(), cache_remote=True, handlers=())[source]

Bases: jsonschema.validators.RefResolver

Adapted version of the RefResolver for handling inter-file references more to our liking

__init__(base_uri, referrer, store=(), cache_remote=True, handlers=())[source]

Create a new FastrRefResolver

  • base_uri (str) – URI of the referring document
  • referrer – the actual referring document
  • store (dict) – a mapping from URIs to documents to cache
  • cache_remote (bool) – whether remote refs should be cached after first resolution
  • handlers (dict) – a mapping from URI schemes to functions that should be used to retrieve them
__module__ = 'fastr.utils.jsonschemaparser'
classmethod from_schema(schema, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Instantiate a RefResolver based on a schema

static readfastrschema(name)[source]

Open a json file based on a fastr:// url that points to a file in the fastr.schemadir

Parameters:name (str) – the url of the file to open
Returns:the resulting json schema data
static readfile(filename)[source]

Open a json file based on a simple filename

Parameters:filename (str) – the path of the file to read
Returns:the resulting json schema data
fastr.utils.jsonschemaparser.any_of_draft4(validator, any_of, instance, schema)[source]

The oneOf directory needs to be done stepwise, because a validation even if it fails will try to change types / set defaults etc. Therefore we first create a copy of the data per subschema and test if they match. Then for all the schemas that are valid, we perform the validation on the actual data so that only the valid subschemas will effect the data.

  • validator – the json schema validator
  • any_of (dict) – the current oneOf
  • instance – the current object instance
  • schema (dict) – the current json schema

Extend the given jsonschema.IValidator with the Seep layer.

fastr.utils.jsonschemaparser.getblueprinter(uri, blueprint=None)[source]

Instantiate the given data using the blueprinter.

Parameters:blueprint – a blueprint (JSON Schema with Seep properties)
fastr.utils.jsonschemaparser.items_prevalidate(validator, items, instance, schema)[source]

The pre-validation function for items

  • validator – the json schema validator
  • items (dict) – the current items
  • instance – the current object instance
  • schema (dict) – the current json schema
fastr.utils.jsonschemaparser.not_draft4(validator, not_schema, instance, schema)[source]

The not needs to use a temporary copy of the instance, not to change the instance with the invalid schema

  • validator – the json schema validator
  • not_schema (dict) – the current oneOf
  • instance – the current object instance
  • schema (dict) – the current json schema
fastr.utils.jsonschemaparser.one_of_draft4(validator, one_of, instance, schema)[source]

The one_of directory needs to be done stepwise, because a validation even if it fails will try to change types / set defaults etc. Therefore we first create a copy of the data per subschema and test if they match. Once we found a proper match, we only validate that branch on the real data so that only the valid piece of schema will effect the data.

  • validator – the json schema validator
  • one_of (dict) – the current one_of
  • instance – the current object instance
  • schema (dict) – the current json schema
fastr.utils.jsonschemaparser.pattern_properties_prevalid(validator, pattern_properties, instance, schema)[source]

The pre-validation function for patternProperties

  • validator – the json schema validator
  • pattern_properties (dict) – the current patternProperties
  • instance (dict) – the current object instance
  • schema (dict) – the current json schema
fastr.utils.jsonschemaparser.properties_postvalidate(validator, properties, instance, schema)[source]

# All arguments must be used because this function is called like this # pylint: disable=unused-argument The post-validation function for properties

  • validator – the json schema validator
  • properties (dict) – the current properties
  • instance – the current object instance
  • schema (dict) – the current json schema
fastr.utils.jsonschemaparser.properties_prevalidate(validator, properties, instance, schema)[source]

The pre-validation function for properties

  • validator – the json schema validator
  • properties (dict) – the current properties
  • instance – the current object instance
  • schema (dict) – the current json schema

multiprocesswrapper Module

fastr.utils.multiprocesswrapper.function_wrapper(filepath, fnc_name, *args, **kwargs)[source]

procutils Module

Find executable by name on the PATH, returns the executable that will be
found in case it is used for a Popen call

rest_generation Module

fastr.utils.rest_generation.create_rest_table(data, headers)[source]

Create a ReST table from data. The data should be a list of columns and the headers should be a list of column names.

  • data (list) – List of lists/tuples representing the columns
  • headers (list) – List of strings for the column names

a string representing the table in ReST

Return type:


schematotable Module

A module to generate reStructuredText tables from json schema files

class fastr.utils.schematotable.SchemaPrinter(schema, skipfirst=False)[source]

Bases: object

Object that create a table in reStructuedText from a json schema

__dict__ = dict_proxy({'parse': <function parse>, '__module__': 'fastr.utils.schematotable', 'descend': <function descend>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'SchemaPrinter' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'SchemaPrinter' objects>, '__str__': <function __str__>, 'printlines': <function printlines>, '__doc__': '\n Object that create a table in reStructuedText from a json schema\n ', '__init__': <function __init__>})
__init__(schema, skipfirst=False)[source]

Create the printer object

  • schema (dict) – the json schema to print
  • skipfirst (bool) – flag to indicate that the first line should not be printed
__module__ = 'fastr.utils.schematotable'

String representation of json schema (that is the printed table)


list of weak references to the object (if defined)


Descend into a subschema

Parameters:properties (dict) – the properties in the subschema

Parse a schema

Parameters:schema (dict) – the schema to parse

Given a parsed schema (parsing happens when the object is constructed), print all the lines

Returns:the printed table
Return type:str

sysinfo Module

This module contains function to help gather system information use for the provenance of the Job execution.


Get the current CPU usage

Returns:CPU usage info
Return type:dict

Get information about the SGE cluster (if applicable)

Returns:cluster info
Return type:dict

Get all information about the current host machine

Returns:host info
Return type:dict

Get the current memory usage

Returns:memory usage info
Return type:dict

Get the current mounts known on the system

Returns:mount info
Return type:dict

Get information about the OS

Returns:OS information
Return type:dict

Get a list of all currently running processes

Returns:process information
Return type:list

Get information about the currently used Python implementation

Returns:python info
Return type:dict

Get system information (cpu, memory, mounts and users)

Returns:system information
Return type:dict

Get current users on the system

Returns:user info
Return type:dict

Helper function to convert a named tuple into a dict

Parameters:ntuple (namedtuple) – the namedtuple to convert
Returns:named tuple as a dict
Return type:dict

verify Module


Verify that a file

xmltodict Module

This module contains tool for converting python dictionaries into XML object and vice-versa.

fastr.utils.xmltodict.dump(data, filehandle)[source]

Write a dict to an XML file

  • data – data to write
  • filehandle – file handle to write to

Write a dict to an XML string

Parameters:data – data to write
Returns:the XML data
Return type:str

Load an xml file and parse it to a dict

Parameters:filehandle – file handle to load
Returns:the parsed data

Load an xml string and parse it to a dict

Parameters:data (str) – the xml data to load
Returns:the parsed data