Command Line Tools

command description
cat Print information from a job file
execute Execute a fastr job file
extract_argparse Create a stub for a Tool based on a python script using argparse
prov Get PROV information from the result pickle.
run Run a Network from the commandline
testtool Run the tests of a tool to verify the proper function
verify Print information from a job file
webapp Start the fastr webapp and open in a new browser tab


usage: fastr cat [-h] result.pickle.gz path
Positional arguments:
infile result file to cat
path path of the data to print


Execute a job or network from commandline

usage: fastr execute [-h] [JOBFILE]
Positional arguments:
job File of the job to execute (default ./__fastr_command__.pickle.gz)


usage: fastr extract_argparse [-h] TOOL.xml
Positional arguments:
infile Python script to inspect
outfile created Tool stub


Get PROV information from the result pickle. When no options are given, the provenance syntax is printed to stdout in PROV-JSON format.

usage: fastr prov [-h] [-so SYNTAX_OUT_FILE] [-sf SYNTAX_FORMAT] [-i INDENT]
                  [-vo VISUALIZE_OUT_FILE]
Positional arguments:
result File of the job to execute (default ./__fastr_result__.pickle.gz)
-so, --syntax-out-file
 Write the syntax to file.
-sf=json, --syntax-format=json
 Choices are: [json], provn or xml
-i=2, --indent=2
 Indent size of the serialized documents.
-vo, --visualize-out-file
 Visualize the provenance. The most preferred format is svg. You can specify any format pydot supports. Specify the format by postfixing the filename with an extension.


Execute a job or network from commandline

usage: fastr run [-h] NETWORKFILE
Positional arguments:
network File of the network to execute


Run the tests for a Tool to check the function

usage: fastr testtool [-h] TOOL
Positional arguments:
tool the id of the tool to test


usage: fastr verify [-h] TYPE path
Positional arguments:

Type of resource to verify (e.g. tool)

Possible choices: tool

path path of the resource to verify


Fastr web client

usage: fastr webapp [-h] [-d] [-o]
-d=False, --debug=False
 Debug mode.
-o=False, --openpage=False
 Open web page after start.